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她给我们例证。She gave us an illustration.

他用仿制品作插图。He dummied in an illustration.

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图释秋天及书写练习。Fall illustration and writing activity.

举个例子或许能说清这一点。An illustration may make the point clear.

而本实例仅仅是用来展示。But this example is for illustration only.

这是个例子,是个玩笑,抱歉。Here's an illustration. It's a joke. Sorry.

老师用例证详述了这件事。The teacher-fied the matter by illustration.

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那是说明他为人卑鄙的典型例子。That's a typical illustration of his meanness.

这是生物学家霍尔丹的描述。And here's an illustration by the biologist Haldane.

但必要的逻辑会用到一些例子。But the essential logic could use some illustration.

该图是多态性的一个好例子。This diagram is a good illustration of polymorphism.

下面便是我们当前注册按钮的图例。Below is an illustration of our current sign up button.

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例如,标签与folksonomies的应用。Tags and folksonomies are a great illustration of this.

举例说明文使用例子阐明观点。Illustration is the use of example to illustrate a point.

亚特兰蒂斯岛上的一个内凹形海湾,被描绘得如同神话一般。Illustration of a cove on the mythical island of Atlantis

我们可以用人造的假花作例证。We may use the illustration of making artificial flowers.

图片与心得请入内浏览。Please enter to read the illustration and the information.

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它就是一个为了解释用的例子We're just going to do it for the purpose of illustration.

精彩图片来自我的朋友——cynnarcisi.com的CynthiaAwesome Illustration by my friend Cynthia of

花旗银行的结果就是失败的最好说明。The Citibank deal is a perfect illustration of the failure.