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命令简直太长了!The command is annoyingly long!

我没有钢琴会感到烦闷。I don't have a piano anymore, annoyingly.

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另一些人,通常是女人们,却毕恭毕敬的,也挺烦人的。Others, usually the women, are annoyingly reverent.

没有时间狩猎这些令人烦扰、难于捉摸的仙女、精灵吗?No time to hunt for those annoyingly elusive Pixies?

有时,它会送错点心或者找错零钱,这让人很是恼火。Sometimes it annoyingly brings the wrong snack or gives the wrong change.

无论你如何称呼它们,痤疮都代表了持续的痛苦和烦恼。No matter what you call them, acne can be distressing and annoyingly persistent.

令人头痛的高失业率在明年将有所缓解,不过缓解的幅度不会很大。The annoyingly high unemployment rate will improve some but not by much next year.

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一直好像被石灰水弄盲了一样令人生气地把球踢出界外。Annoyingly kept running the ball out of play as if suffering from whitewash blindness.

他总是以恼人的聪明和充满自信的形象出现,在英国作为电视喜剧演员而著名。Mainly known as a television comedian in the UK, he can present as annoyingly clever and full of self confidence.

紧闭的门外,从大厅里传来了女人高跟鞋的咔哒声,百得福大街上一两汽车的发动机嘎嘎响着,真烦人。I hear a woman's heels click from the hall beyond the closed door and a car engine whines annoyingly from Bedford Avenue.

回头看看在学校里学过的长除法,要是不让你觉得烦恼和愤怒才怪。I went back and looked at the long-division algorithm they teach in grade school, and damn if it isn't annoyingly complicated.

换句话说,你那些被有进取心和使命感的人包围的同事得心脏病的可能性比你低。In other words, your type A co-workers who are annoyingly ambitious and dutiful are no more likely to have a heart attack than you are.

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而且美国人,正如那些瑞士皇家科学院的院长所指出的,通常不怎么读翻译过来的小说。And Americans, as the head of the Swedish Academy has annoyingly but rightly pointed out, don't read much fiction in translation anyway.

马特·达蒙将这个角色演的出奇的好,让我马上就认为一个嫉妒心强的“疯子”身上也有闪光点。Matt Damon plays this part annoyingly well, and convinces me instantly that there’s something very beautiful about being a jealous psycho.

“蛋头”用来描述一个极为讨厌的聪明人,说他是蛋是因为大家觉得聪明人的头都比常人大,而且看起来像是倒置的蛋。An "egghead" is an annoyingly intelligent person, so-called because smart people are thought to have larger heads which look like upside-down eggs.

可一次性打火机用光一扔,没法分解,与塑料袋、一次性饭盒一样,早晚成了烦人的玩意。But one-time lighter consumed is thrown, do not have a law to decompose, like polybag, one-time messtin , morning and evening was become play annoyingly meaning.

它含有一定数量的你每天从早上食用的燕麦粥摄取的矿物质,还有维他命B12,而这能让你心智健全,并能活血。They have a number of minerals that you normally only get from the most annoyingly enriched breakfast cereals, as well as vitamin B12, which helps keep you sane and full of blood.

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政府也可以向经济注资数十亿美元,但是谁敢保证疲软的经济就会因此好转,恼人的失业率就会因此下降。Officials could pump billions of dollars into the economy but it's questionable if that will really do much to spur faster growth or bring down our annoyingly high unemployment rate.

在Spotify中搜索大量的歌曲简单快速,但是要浏览你保存的播放列表却是一件烦你人的线性操作,要不断的拖动点击直到你找到你想要的歌曲。Searching the gazillion songs in Spotify’s catalog is fast and easy, but browsing your own saved playlists is an annoyingly affair, with much scrolling and clicking to find what you want.