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李光耀的出现是个异数。Kuan Yew is something of an oddity.

唯一奇怪的就是那些氧气罐。The only oddity was the oxygen tanks.

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键盘有什么大不了的What's the great oddity about the keyboard?

她行为古怪我感到莫名其妙.I was puzzled by the oddity of her behaviour.

另一个奇怪之处是黄金近期的表现。Another oddity has been the recent performance of gold.

但很可能正是这种奇怪解释了它的流行。But this oddity may in large measure account for its popularity.

对于她这种古怪的老姑娘,外面的世界早已经有了固定的成见。The world had made up its mind about her oddity in her spinsterhood.

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稀奇的是,几乎欧洲每个角落的左派势力都在衰退。The oddity is that almost everywhere the European left is in decline.

英文法律语言因其独特的“冗余”表征,而有所谓“视觉语言”之称。Legal English bears the name of "visual language"for its oddity and complexity.

金发蓝眼,却在中国长大,在别人眼里,赛珍珠从小就是一个异类。A blond-haired, blue-eyed Chinese girl, Pearl grew up an oddity and remained one.

第一摩托车蒸汽动力古怪建造的西尔维斯特罗佩尔于1869年。The first motorcycle was a steam powered oddity built by Sylvester Roper in 1869.

而“奇思异想”意指奇异或怪癖,有使人从群体分离的特质。Singularity means oddity or peculiarity , something that singles a man out from other men.

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这在1980年发射的另类评论所谓通感怪异Cytowic的探索。This offbeat comment in 1980 launched Cytowic's exploration into the oddity called synesthesia.

奇怪的是,酒仙是熊猫人社会的另类,全心爱着麦酒和烈酒。Oddly, the Brewmaster is sort of an oddity in Pandaren society, given his love for ale and spirits.

我们以前知道这种影响发生过,直到有了月亮石,我们才能把它砍柴地理奇迹。We had known that impacts occurred, but until the rocks, we had viewed them as a geological oddity.

在这种奇异情况带来的明显的不认真的假笑背后,还需做一深入调查。Behind the obvious tongue-in-cheek smirks the situations' oddity brings, there is a deeper point to be made.

在这种奇异情况带来的明显的不认真的假笑背后,还需做一深入调查。Behind the obvious tongue-in-cheek smirks the situations’ oddity brings, there is a deeper point to be made.

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这一奇怪的现象没能逃过政府的关注,它也不应该躲过投资者的关注。That oddity hasn't escaped the attention of the government. It shouldn't escape investors' attention either.

我认为这值得思考,至少值得思考一会,有关自毁形象的怪异之处。I think it's worth thinking about, at least for a moment, of the oddity of this terrible act of self-mutilation.

由于这一奇怪现象,病人护理行业每年都会流失成百上千位经验丰富且十分合格的护理员。Hundreds of experienced and "highly-qualified nurses are lost to patient care every year because of this oddity."