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这个教训是无价的。The lesson proved invaluable.

马铃薯是极有价值的食物。The potato is an invaluable esculent.

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身体健康是千金难买的福气。Good health is an invaluable blessing.

他是公司的宝贵人材。He is an invaluable asset to the firm.

他副官的意见非常宝贵。His aide-de-camp's opinion seemed invaluable.

在编写插件时,这一点被证明是十分宝贵的。This has proved invaluable when writing plug-ins.

亚伦也教许多无价的技巧并且移动。Allan also teaches numerous invaluable sleights and moves.

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它是个无意义的时代倒错还是无价的道德指南?Is it a pointless anachronism or an invaluable moral guide?

泰特茨说桑基的英国警察的专业知识非常宝贵。Taitz says Sankey's UK police expertise has been invaluable.

在学习一种新言语时,辞书黑白常有效的东西。A dictionary is an invaluable aid in learning a new language.

我很高兴我这么做了,因为我从中学到很多有价值的课程。I’m glad I did because I got some invaluable lessons from it.

帮助环境成了一种无价的参考资料。The help environment becomes an invaluable reference resource.

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作为信息管理的一个简单系统,博客价值连城。As a simple system for content management, blogs are invaluable.

在这方面的一个高山音频系统可能上升是非常宝贵的。In this regard an Alpine audio system may rise to be invaluable.

对于象火箭这样防守至上的球队来说,8D2真是无价之宝。On a defense-first team like the rockets, he has been invaluable.

对于这样的维护任务,符号链接是非常重要的。Symbolic links are invaluable for maintenance tasks such as this.

这把价值不菲的小提琴,是由小提琴大师文钦佐‧卢杰利制作。This invaluable violin was made by violin master Vincenzo Rugeri.

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越多地分享你的知识,你的价值就越是宝贵。The more you share your knowledge, the more invaluable you become.

链斗式挖泥船在浅滩整治,河道疏通方面起着不可估量的作用。The bucket dredger in Shoal, dredge river plays an invaluable role.

这些玩具屋现在提供给了我们无价的历史洞察力。These dollhouses now provide us with invaluable historical insight.