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卡莱尔看向爱德华。Carlisle looked to Edward.

卡莱尔开始向厨房走去。Carlisle began to walk toward the kitchen.

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卡莱尔正把某个小物件递给艾思梅。Carlisle was handing something small to Esme.

在卡莉丝海滩的码头旁牵着匹马儿前行的人。Man leading horse near pier at Carlisle Bay Beach.

“爱丽丝,”卡莱尔问道,“他们会咬饵吗?”"Alice," Carlisle asked, "will they take the bait?"

她正用忿恨的神情瞪着卡莱尔。She was glowering at Carlisle with a resentful expression.

埃斯梅和卡莱尔也结婚了,同样,也只有一次。Esme and Carlisle are also married, again, just the one time.

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卡莱尔划船俱乐部在晚上六点召开了会议。The Carlisle Boat Club held a meeting at 6.00 in the evening.

我惊讶地发现卡莱尔打算和爱德华一起走。I was surprised to see that Carlisle intended to go with Edward.

我是罗伯特.金凯和卡莱尔.麦克米伦的混合体。I certainly am a mixture of Robert Kincaid and Carlisle McMillan.

里克-卡莱尔在整个季后赛似乎没有犯一个错误。Rick Carlisle hardly seemed to make a single mistake in the playoffs.

这使卡莱尔重新追里普利,他的爱情对手。This gives Carlisle a renewed impetus to nail Ripley, his love rival.

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看,罗莎莉想要埃美特,因此她强迫不情愿的卡莱尔去改变他。See, Rosalie wanted Emmett, so she forced an unwilling Carlisle to change him.

想知道卡莱尔和埃斯梅是怎样相爱的,你们就必须了解埃斯梅的故事。To understand how Carlisle and Esme fell in love, you have to know Esme's story.

卡莱尔堡由威廉鲁弗斯于11世纪末建成,临近苏格兰。Carlisle Castle was built at the end of 11th century by William Rufus. It is near Scotland.

你知道卡莱尔当时父亲还在,爱德华、埃斯梅和爱丽丝他们就一个都没有了,真的。You know Carlisle had his father, and that Edward and Esme and Alice all had no one, really.

卡莱尔说,小牛在比赛最后14分钟里让雷霆扣了8、9次篮。Carlisle said the Mavericks in the final 14 minutes in 8,9 times to Thunders pulled the basket.

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当然,我是罗伯特.金凯和卡莱尔.麦克米伦的混合体,与罗伯特的相似度略高一些。I certainly am a mixture of Robert Kincaid and Carlisle McMillan, more of Robert than Carlisle.

当天下午两点钟,詹妮弗已经站在威廉·卡里斯尔堂皇壮观的庄园门外了。At two o"clock that afternoon, Jennifer was standing outside the imposing estate of William Carlisle."

卡莱尔的运动员抵达后,准会象一营海军陆战队队员那样,接冲下火车。Surely these Carlisle athletes would come charging off the train, one after another, like a Marine battalion.