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不过闰秒是个新事物。But the leap second is a newcomer.

蒙克斯的眼神移向新来者。Mengsk's eyes traveled to the newcomer.

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蒙克斯的眼神移向新来者。Mengsk’s eyes traveled to the newcomer.

新参加比赛的体育队。The team is a newcomer to the competition.

毕竟,他是湖人阵中唯一的新人。He is, after all, the only newcomer to the roster.

伊摩根是名新人,但在好莱坞上升很快。Imogen is a newcomer making a fast rise in Hollywood.

他老是缠住新来的人,对他讲述自己的事。He always fastens on a newcomer to tell his stories to.

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我们寄上一个欢迎礼物,给新来的小生命。We are sending a welcome present to the little newcomer.

那位新来的人宣称他是路易十四的儿子。The newcomer gave himself out to be the son of Louis XIV.

这次是新手丹尼尔。格列主演詹士帮一角。This time around, newcomer Daniel Craig plays James Bond.

在工作中,你是新来的,你就处于下风。When you are a newcomer at work, you are at a disadvantage.

新来者对大都市拥挤的交通很不习惯。The newcomer is not used to the heavy traffic in big cities.

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卡尔爱德华艾斯纳尔声音,约旦和新长的声音罗素。Ed Asner voices Carl, and newcomer Jordan Nagai voices Russell.

经过三个星期后,那位新进员工逐渐了解办公室内的作业流程。After three weeks, the newcomer came to know the procedure in the office.

杰克面对跌停板没有恐慌,那是因为他是个新手。Jack isn't in panic in front of the decline limit because he is a newcomer.

按标准时间保持工业劳力士是一个相对的新人。By the standards of the time-keeping industry, Rolex is a relative newcomer.

这名新人依靠最后一张牌的好运气,打败了艾维先生。The newcomer eliminated Mr Ivey thanks to a lucky draw on the last card dealt.

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比起欧洲的后起对手,美元始终占据着一些重要优势。The American currency still has important advantages over the European newcomer.

“爱就像疯狂”的新人李布赖斯是2010年的头号乡村歌曲。"Love Like Crazy" by newcomer Lee Brice was the Number One Country song of 2010.

老流浪汉教新来的流浪汉在公园的长椅上怎么躺着舒服。The old tramp taught the newcomer how to make himself comfortable om a park bench.