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在申命记中,他是那位先知,正如摩西所说。In Deuteronomy, he is a prophet, like Mose.

摩西这个字是取自义大利人名摩西而来。MOSE is a play on the Italian name for Moses.

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每个人都会为自己做出最合适的选择。The person, even the child, mose choose for himself.

知道多年之后大多数人才有电话。Mose people didn't have telephones until years later.

上升的海平面和潮水如今已涌进威尼斯,因此义大利开始进行摩西计画。Rising seas and tides now flood the city, so Italy began the MOSE project.

其目的是使贝叶斯决策更科学、更合于客观实际。It is possible to make the decision of Bayes more scientifically and mose practically.

专门提供各类舞蹈,溜冰及舞台表演服饰用品!We supply all kind of dance and performance costume, we can help you to be the mose special one!

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人们对网络安全越来越关注,对网络安全防范措施的需求也更为迫切。Network security is more and mose important, so that the demand of network defense measure is more urgent.

这个这个就是诸位这一代帮助创立的中国。现在使中国历史上非常令人振奋的一个时期,此时此刻连最宏伟的梦想似乎也唾手可得。This is one of the mose exciting times in the history of your country, a time when even the grandest hopes seem in your reach.

在更近的历史上,大多数中国人都记得,杨利伟成为中国第一位太空人时的情景。In more recent history , mose Chinese remember what they were doing when Yang Liwei became the first Chinese astronautin space.

通过研究MOSE对昆明种小鼠体外精子活性的影响,证实MOSE在体外具抗生育作用,其抗生育活性存在剂量依存关系。Li as the test materials, to get MOSE by ethanol and water extract, to study its effect on the sperm activity in vitro of Kunming species male mice.

沙摩塞是承办凶杀案的资深员警,行将退休,而米尔斯是新手,一付兴致昂扬,自愿请调至这一分局。Sha Mose is the host of senior homicide police, who will soon retire but Mills is a novice, to pay a high interest, please voluntarily to the branch.

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很快,他们就会囚禁在由自己的人生观构筑的堕落肮脏的世界里,他们的人生观即金钱是世界上最可靠的东西。Pretty soon they are jailed inside their own world of rotten filth fooled by their philosophy that money is the mose substantial thing on the face of this planet.