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选区里没有克隆来解除链接。No clones to unlink in the selection.

在层面板下取消蒙版和地图的链接。In layer window unlink the mask and map.

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贵国是否要求本断开另一个帐户?Did you request this unlink under another account?

有什么选择,连接和解开路线的西纳特拉?What are OPTIONS, LINK and UNLINK routes in Sinatra?

在“任务名称”域中,选择要取消链接的任务。In the Task Name field, select the tasks you want to unlink.

在“外部表数据”选项卡上,单击“取消链接”。On the Design tab, in the External Table Data group, click Unlink.

在“任务”域中,单击要取消链接的每项任务,再单击“删除链接”。In the Task field, click each task you want to unlink and click Delete Link.

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另外,您可以放弃所有修改,或者取消到列表的链接。Alternatively, you can discard all of your changes, or you can unlink your list.

您可以手动将测试中的两个值关联或者解除已经存在的关联性。You can manually correlate any two values in a test or unlink existing correlations.

而要做到这一点,风电厂就需要一种办法,使自身脱离风力时断时续的特质。And to do that, they’ll need a way to unlink themselves from the on-again, off-again nature of the wind.

现在当你改变量颜色或材质的时候,原本链接在一起的凹凸与反射通道会自动解除链接,以避免意外的污染你的SU场景。Linked bump and reflection channels now automatically unlink whenever you make a color or texture change, to prevent accidentally contaminating your SU scene.