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什么是反射?What is Reflection?

它可能只是镜象。It could be on reflection.

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冥想和沉思。Meditation and reflection.

正义需要反思。Justice requires reflection.

那镜中影像是不会撒谎。That reflection doesn't lie.

梦会反映现实。Dream is the reflection of fact.

称誉是才德的反映。Praise is the reflection of virtue.

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把浮世映成倒影。Into a reflection of the Ukiyo Ying.

留意她眼珠里的图像。So, margin the reflection in her eye.

这对你的名誉是一种损害。This is a reflection upon your honour.

这是最值得反思的地方。This is the most worthy of reflection.

罗浮宫前金字塔上的反光。A reflection from the louvre’s pyramid.

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也称为迷走反射。Is also called confuses the reflection.

当我淋浴时,我看到了自己的倒影。As I was showering, I caught my reflection.

举出一些应用光反射的例子。Give some applications of light reflection.

“再见”纳喀索斯对那映像说。"Goodbye" said Narcissus to his reflection.

就连河面的倒影也如此的安祥。Even the river is also so serene reflection.

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你的生活起居可以揭示出你是怎样的一个人。How you live is a reflection of who you are.

这反映了当代中国的社会现状。It's a reflection of life nowadays in China.

看见地板上我的雷射眼反射吗?See the laser eyes reflection on the floor ?