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什么职业?What profession?

你的职业是什么?What’s your profession?

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他是职业外交人员。His profession is diplomacy.

这是一份充满趣味的职业。It's a very lively profession.

霏欧纳,你现在的职业是什么?What is your profession Fiona?

因为那是最高尚的职业。It’s the best lofty profession.

这是一份很有意思的职业。it's an interesting profession.

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他以木工为业。He is a carpenter by profession.

这是一个十分高尚的职业。This is a very noble profession.

他是他那个行业的光荣。He was a glory of his profession.

现在你有了自己的职业。Now you have your own profession.

斯巴达人,你们是干什么的?Spartans , what is your profession?

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会计这行当就像一把剑。The accounting profession is a sword.

卡伦·秋溪的职业是什么?What is Karen Fallbrook's profession?

我尊重你,尊重你身为记者的专业。I respect you, I respect your profession.

我的专业是广告学。My profession is an advertisement to learn.

她想以学书为职业。She intends to make teaching her profession.

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我是外贸英语的专业!I am the profession of foreign trade English!

专业生产音响、喇叭。Profession speaker, speaker box manufacturer.

应该有一种职业叫“弃者”。There should be a profession called removers.