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我将为您转接。I’ll transfer you.

我需不需要换车?Do I need a transfer?

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我是转学生。I'm a transfer student.

就是电子转移。It is electron transfer.

我把电话转给负责人。I“‘ll transfer your call.

传递正能量。Transfer positive energy.

马上为你转接过去。I’ll transfer it for you..

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续期土地出让金。Land Transfer Renewal Fee.

您可以在阜城门换乘。You can transfer Fuchengmen.

儿童可以半票乘车?Can I transfer by this ticket?

我想转让这个汽车修理厂。I want to transfer the garage.

稍等。我给你转一下。One moment. I'll transfer you.

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那个站是换乘站?Which is the transfer station?

贵俱乐部转让开支。Your clubs transfer spendings.

可变转移地址?。VTA? Variable Transfer Address?

西直门是个换乘站。Xizhimen is a transfer station.

你可以在阜成门换乘。You can transfer at Fuchengmen.

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替代文件传输选项。Alternate file transfer options.

在那里,我可以转218路公交车吗?Can I transfer to bus 218 there?

这全是通过电子手段的转移。This is all electronic transfer.