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他是个傲慢的人。He is an arrogant man.

他是一个自高自大的人。He is an arrogant man.

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若有骄傲心,就是愚痴。Being arrogant is stupid.

我有我的冷傲。I have me coldly arrogant.

他是个自高自大的笨蛋!He's an arrogant little twit!

夜郎自大,成不了事实。Arrogant and adopted into the facts.

曾经的我,总是不可一世。Once I always insufferably arrogant.

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如今我们称狂傲的人为有福。But now we call the arrogant blessed.

听起来你认为苹果很自大。Sounds like you think Apple is arrogant.

我们永远不能骄傲,不能翘尾巴。We should never become arrogant and cocky.

这是一种有种族优越感、傲慢的态度。This is an ethnocentric, arrogant attitude.

人就活这一次,理应活的飞扬跋扈。People live this time, should live arrogant.

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她冷酷无情的态度引起我的反感。She was selfish, arrogant and often callous.

傲慢无礼的妇人怎样用谎言中伤约瑟?How had the arrogant smeared Joseph with lies?

他一向冷傲对人,你不必和他计较。He is always cold, and arrogant towards others.

横亘在他面前的世界充满了愚蠢而傲慢的巨灵。Facing him a world of silly and arrogant giants.

很高兴看到美国终于恶有恶报。I love seeing arrogant USA get it's comeuppance.

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有错的时候认错不要自负到拒绝认错。Admit when wrong--don't be too arrogant to say it.

我发现他在法庭审判现场表现得非常嚣张,不思悔改。I found him arrogant and unrepentant at the trial.

爱是不嫉妒或夸耀或傲慢或粗鲁。Love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude.