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记录大小的积雪和严重洪涝影响的地区。Record-size snowpack and heavy flooding have affected the area recently.

幸运的是,我们大部分的供水续签每年积雪的落基山。Fortunately, most of our water supply is renewed annually as snowpack in the Rockies.

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另外一个积雪一直残留到夏天的原因是雪量过多。The other reason the snowpack is lasting into summer is thatthere was more snow to melt.

我们在这里记录的是,树木都在讲关于积雪变化的同一个故事“。And what we are documenting here is that trees are telling the same story about snowpack change.

但格雷戈里佩德森说,不寻常的大量积雪演示只有一个单一的天气事件。But Gregory Pederson says the unusually large snowpack demonstrates only one single weather event.

冬季下雨会产生严重的影响,它将使地面上有积雪或结冰。Rain in winter can have serious impacts when it falls on an existing snowpack or on frozen ground.

当温度加热,融化的积雪和发送到河流和溪涧的水级联。When temperatures heated up, it melted the snowpack and sent water cascading into rivers and streams.

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2月10日,也就是奥运会开幕前两天,一场暴风雪意外降临,增加了积雪量。A surprise snowstorm struck on February 10, just two days before the games opened, boosting the snowpack.

报告说,变薄积雪的原因之一可能是气候变化,地球的大气层变暖。The report says one cause of the thinning snowpack may be climate change, the warming of Earth's atmosphere.

当北美许多地区积雪消融的时候,它们的大脚掌也能对于那些黄鼠狼来说也是致命的威胁。Those big feet might be hurting the largest member of the weasel family as snowpack declines across much of North America.

2010年到2011年的冬春两季降下了远高于平均水平的雪量,在至少五个州创下了降雪量之最。The winter and spring of 2010-2011 brought farmore snow than average, leading to a record mountain snowpack in at least fivestates.

天空的蔚蓝和远处湖泊的湛蓝交相辉映,远处的蓝色又和眼前雪场的白粉灰三色相映成趣。the blues of the sky shading into the blues of distant lakes, which in turn shaded into the whites and pinks and grays of the snowpack.

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过高的温度也使得加州最主要的地表水仓库——即位于内华达山脉的积雪场面积不断在缩小。And warming temperatures have been shrinking the all-important snowpack in the Sierra Nevada, the largest storehouse of surface water in the state.

煤烟的污染导致高原的积雪融化时间逐年提前,到了夏季,处在下游的农作物就会缺少水分。Soot on snow causes the plateau's annual snowpack melt to happen sooner each year, causing farmers below it to have less water for their crops in the summer.

Gooseff说,从这个冷冻沉淀融化,以及从旧的积雪和冰川,正在发生的事情的速度更快,比十年前更为普遍。Gooseff says the melt from this frozen precipitation, as well as from older snowpack and glacier ice, is happening faster and is more widespread than a decade ago.