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戈壁沙漠正在向南扩大。The Gobi Desert is inching south.

戈壁滩沙漠正在向南方侵蚀。The Gobi Desert is inching south.

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是的。这些蛋是在戈壁滩发现的。Yes. These eggs were found in the Gobi Desert.

第一批恐龙蛋就是在戈壁发现的。The first dinosaur eggs were found in the Gobi.

我们将帮助把电力引入戈壁滩,改造公路。We'll help bring power to Gobi and upgrade roads.

那正适合我的戈壁沙漠之旅。It would be perfect for my trip to the Gobi Desert.

双峰骆驼正在戈壁中散步。Two-humped, or Bactrian, camels roam wild in the Gobi.

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不过,昨天的空气看起来比在戈壁的还污浊。Yesterday, however, the air looked more gunky than Gobi.

曹嘉泰先生是戈壁投资咨询有限公司共同创始人及合伙人。Mr. Tom Tsao is a Co-founder and Partner of Gobi Partners.

在2005年,那儿什么都没有,只有延绵不断的戈壁滩。There was nothing but the Gobi Desert on this site in 2005.

在戈壁上,一个蒙古人骑着自行车走向帐篷。A Mongolian man cycles toward a campsite in the Gobi desert.

它和中国独一的接洽大要就是沙漠戈壁了!The only connection it has with China is perhaps Gobi desert!

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白灼的阳光,令戈壁越发一览无余。Boiled in the sun, so that more and more sweeping views of the Gobi.

且又北通戈壁﹐南枕崇冈。It could lead north to Gobi desert and south to the high mountains4.

茫茫的戈壁映入眼帘,与天相接与地同广。In the vast expanses of the Gobi desert, the straight highway never ends.

在戈壁沙漠里,旅客还可以看到骆驼和称为蒙古包的圆形蒙古帐篷。In the Gobi Desert, passengers see camels and yurts , circular Mongolian tents.

这些恐龙蛋是在二十世纪二十年代由一群科学家们在戈壁沙漠里面发现的。These eggs were found in the Gobi Desert by a group of scientists in the 1920s.

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明朝建立后,元朝退居漠北,史称北元。After Ming Dynasty was founded, Yuan dynasty went back to the north of the Gobi.

他已在从戈壁沙漠到德兰士瓦的无数地方勘探过矿藏。He had prospected for minerals everywhere from the Gobi Desert to the Transvaal.

在戈壁滩上工作的科学家们对恐龙的生活有了新的认识。Scientists working in the Gobi desert have shed new light on the life of dinosaurs.