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新加坡是一个出众的后殖民社会。Singapore is a postcolonial society par excellence.

因此,作为全球化时代的后殖民作家,阿迪加还需要进一步扬弃他的书写策略。Therefore, as a postcolonial writer, Aravind Adiga has to further sublate his writing strategies.

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世界看着他们,似乎他们处在一个周围充满殖民主义者的后殖民时期。The world looks at them as if they were in a postcolonial stage while the colonialists are still around.

我写的大多包括计算生物学,后殖民主义,和现代亚裔美国人的问题。I work mostly in computational phylogenetics, postcolonial studies and contemporary Asian American issues.

爱德华·赛义德的知识分子观与他的后殖民理论相辅相成,互为因果。Edward Said's view on the intellectuals and his postcolonial theory inter-depend and complement each other.

本文尝试以后殖民理论中的文化杂和理论对这篇小说进行解读。This thesis is a tentative study of the novel from the postcolonial perspective with the theory of hybridity.

后殖民语境下的翻译研究因意识形态的介入和传统的翻译研究相去甚远。Postcolonial translation studies is completely different from traditional ones for the involvement of ideology.

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或许在某种程度上是因为喝了酒,或者因为R旅馆的氛围,我们感到我们已经成为亲密朋友。Somehow, perhaps due to the drinks, or the postcolonial atmosphere of the Raffles, we felt intimate with each other.

后殖民翻译研究视野中的翻译不再是纯美学的或纯语言学的行为。Viewed from the perspective of postcolonial translation studies, it is no more a purely aesthetic or linguistic act.

除了采用后殖民视角用以观照后殖民社会以外,奈保尔还采用了双重化的叙述技巧和“重复”的手法。To the specific works, including the postcolonial view he adopts, he also uses the dual perspective of the narrative.

霍米·巴巴将这一术语引入文化研究领域并使其成为后殖民批评中的重要概念。After Homi Bhabha introduced it into the cultural studies, it has become an important concept of postcolonial criticism.

进一步探讨后殖民语境中归化和异化翻译策略的作用。Chapter five is the further discussion about the functions of domestication and foreignization in the postcolonial context.

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其实,在德拉诺船长善良天真的外衣下,藏着根深蒂固的后殖民话语。In fact, from the words of captain Delano, who had deep -rooted postcolonial thought in guise of his kindness and innocence.

后殖民翻译理论家往往站在弱小民族和弱势文化的立场来探讨文化交流中的翻译问题。Postcolonial translation theorists often approach cultural communication from the point of"weak"countries and"weak"cultures.

翻译与话语权的密切联系一直是语言文化中的霸权运动-后殖民主义译论关注的话题。This paper is a reconsideration of postcolonial translation strategies from the perspective of the exporting of Chinese culture.

此外,后殖民翻译研究中的杂合理论也从一定程度上为翻译研究的原型观提供了佐证。Moreover, research on hybridity in postcolonial translation studies in a certain sense also support the prototypical view of translation.

奈保尔是一位通过大量作品对后殖民主义理论的发展有深远影响的当代英语作家。Naipaul is a contemporary writer of the English language, who has profound influence on postcolonial theory through his novels and travelogues.

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因此,1799年至1917年在英国文化圣地都提供了一个后殖民研究和英国的社会历史上的重要贡献。As such, The Holy Land in English Culture 1799-1917 provides a significant contribution to both postcolonial studies and English social history.

“流散”概念近来逐渐成为一种对当代后殖民文化与认同经验的总体解释。The concept of "diaspora" is recently emerging as a general explanation of the contemporary postcolonial cultural and identificatory experience.

但政治家和科学家认为,发展核计划的理由是它有利于实现自给自足——这在殖民时代结束后的印度是一个流行主题。Politicians and scientists justified the nuclear program on the grounds that it promoted self-sufficiency, a popular theme in postcolonial India.