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有些警察纵容赌博。Some policemen connive at gambling.

我们不应该纵容恐怖活动。We should not connive at terrorism.

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有些政府官员对贪污受贿视而不见。Some government officials connive at graft.

囚犯们贿赂看守,使看守默许他们越狱。The prisoners paid the guards to connive at their escape.

失信成本过低会纵容“坏孩子”。Too low a credit-loss cost may connive "the spoilt children".

对于破坏环境的行为不加反对就等于纵容。Not to protest is to connive at the destruction of the environment.

公司愿与您共谋发展,共创双赢。The company wishes to connive development with you, create win-win.

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资质造假本已是非常严重,更不能接受的是管理人员默许并聘用这些造假者。It is even less acceptable to have employers connive in hiring individuals who they have good reason to believe are.

如果一开始就把自己看成“受害者”,或是纵容自己长期消极,那么受伤的只会是你自己。If you treat yourself as the "sufferer" at beginning, or connive yourself to have a long passive period, it's damaged by yourself.

八月份杜拜气温极高,三十度以上的高温加上非常潮湿,每天在街上也要加快脚步前往有冷气的下一站。August is a cruel month of extremes in Dubai as triple digit temperatures connive with intense levels of humidity each day a mad dash to the next air-conditioned space.

“诚信、创新、共赢”是我们企业的发展原则,愿与海内外客商共谋发展,共创辉煌!"sincerity, innovation, win together " we development of enterprise principle, it is connive development as sea travelling trader not internal and external not to wish, create brilliance!

但若纵容这种怠惰的情况存在,甚至沉溺于怠惰,则危机必伴之而生,除了本身的退化之外,也给外敌有可乘之机。But if you connive this kind of lazy situation exists, even addicted to laziness, then crisis will with the students, in addition to its own degradation, but also to have the opportunity to enemy.