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不过在赛场上,坎通纳绝对不愧对“国王”这样的称号。But Kantona is the "King" on the field creditably.

人渴望有个家,一个幸福美满的家!Man desired to have a family, a Happy and Creditably family.

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这次普京先生没有放弃原则,这是妇孺皆知的。Creditably , Mr Putin has not surrendered the principle this time.

在瓶子的玻璃里展示一个巴黎人体模型的一个抽象的剪影,不愧为热点设计。By exhibiting the silhouette of a Parisian manikin in the flask, it is creditably the hottest design.

站长都很有个性,别人常问我们职业,我们体面的说自己是搞互联网的。Stationmaster very individualize, people often asks us the profession, we say we do Internet creditably.

您刚才还在教我遇到人家请吃饭的时候怎么去编造一个可信的借口来推托。Ah, take care, you were teaching me just now how, in case of an invitation to dinner, one might creditably make an excuse.

哎呀,真得当心!您刚才还在教我遇到人家请吃饭的时候怎么去编造一个可信的借口来推托。Ah, take care, you were teaching me just now how, in case of an invitation to dinner, one might creditably make an excuse.

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那男孩的确招人喜爱,长得帅、穿得体面,走到哪儿都吸引女孩子的目光。That boy enrols a person to love really, grow handsomely, wear creditably , where to walk along to draw the look of the girl.

穆沙拉夫已经不再是陆军参谋长,继任者虽然是他一手提拔起来的,但是目前丝毫没有放权的意思。Mr Musharraf is no longer army chief, and his successor, though his nominee, has so far shown creditably little inclination to leave the barracks.

我就想,只要婚后常体面地给娘家些钱,他们就会原谅我,谁会和钱有仇呢?I think, a married woman's parents' home often should give creditably after marriage only some money, they can excuse me, who can have enemy with money?

他尤其欣赏诗中许多引喻的翻译,并赞扬译者非常胜任地完成一项艰难任务。He especially enjoys the translation of a number of allusions used in the poem and complimented the translators as having creditably accomplished a very difficult task.

正确理解诚信这个范畴,对于加强市场经济的信用建设和道德建设,具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。The correct understanding of the category of credibility is of great theoretical Value and practical significance to strengthening market economy creditably and morally.

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他的小说真实感人,富有生活气息,为美国现实主义小说注入了一股新的活力,不愧为“描写美国生活的极伟大的作家。”Dreiser's novels were so realistic, touching and lifelike that juiced up American realistic novels, and made him creditably "a brilliant novelist in portraying American life".