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他不太可能会潜逃。He is unlikely to abscond.

这不太像是副图。This is an unlikely picture.

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但水资源战争似乎不大可能。But a water war seems unlikely.

这和我的观点相左。That seems unlikely in my view.

对于这个温文尔雅的超级间谍来说似乎不大可能。Unlikely for the suave superspy.

对不起,大伙,但这种情况不可能出现。Sorry folks, but that's unlikely.

几乎不可能是错的。They're very unlikely to be wrong.

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可是大势已定,不成逆转。But the tide is unlikely to turn back.

在这些情况下,CBM未必便会有用。In such cases CBM is unlikely to work.

但不可能救回更多的损失。But further savings there are unlikely.

白头海雕不太可能以稀有物种为食Eagles Unlikely to Want Their Food Rare

他告诉我们的,不像是真事。What he tells us is unlikely to happen.

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他并不算是一名父母官。He is an unlikely tribune of the people.

保罗的议案最终不可能成为法律条文。Mr Paul’s bill is unlikely to become law.

杨先生不会等待太久了。Mr Yang is unlikely to have to wait long.

但是美国运通不大可能蝉联道琼斯榜首。But a second year atop the Dow is unlikely.

管他呢,反正贝卢斯科尼是既不会辞职,也不会被取代的。But he is unlikely to quit or be driven out.

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身上穿僧衣,未必是和尚。She is unlikely to market philosophical views.

朝鲜则不大可能混到一个共同体创始国的头衔。North Korea is unlikely to be a founder member.

戴维.卡梅伦不太可能去挡他们的道儿。David Cameron is unlikely to stand in their way.