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更多支出将用于服务,硬件则成比例减少。More will go to services and proportionately less to hardware.

但男生想吃和想睡的次数也同比例地高出女生许多。But the men also thought about food and sleep proportionately more.

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烘焙度越深,咖啡因含量越少,酸度也越小。As the roast darkens, caffeine and acidity decrease proportionately.

随着对电力需求的增加,供电量也增加。As the demand for power increases, the supply is proportionately increased.

高铁的速度可能会达到350km/h,但是票价也水涨船高。The trains may reach 350km per hour but fares are proportionately eye- watering.

由于环氧乙烷生产增加,底流也必须成比例增加。As the EO production increases the bottoms flow must be increased proportionately.

任何社会的自由程度都是与生活在其中的人们的欢笑声的大小成正比的。The freedom of any society varies proportionately with the volume of its laughter.

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这种方法可以创建出流式布局,在这种布局中字体会随着布局成比例地改变大小。This approach allows for the creation of fluid layouts with fonts that all resize proportionately.

如果你强迫自己慢跑一小时,你的自律能力就会相应地减弱。If you force yourself to jog for an hour, your self-regulatory capacity is proportionately enfeebled.

所以如果收增幅下降或是收入减少,支出增幅也容易相应地下降。So if revenue growth diminishes or reverses, it might not be easy to slow spending growth proportionately.

参考段的病变中纤维斑块及钙化斑块较少而脂质斑块较多。Reference segments contained less fibrotic and calcific plaque and proportionately more soft plaque elements.

最贫困人口可能消耗较少的能源,但是他们为能源支付的代价按照比例来说却更高。The poorest people may use less energy but actually pay proportionately more than the rich for energy services.

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当处理器以较低的时钟速度运行时,它们消耗的电能和产生的热量也相对较少。When processors operate at a lower clock speed, they consume proportionately less power and generate less heat.

从此以后,越来越多的公帑流向了巴西赤贫者,但相对而言数量仍然很少。Since then some more public money has found its way to Brazil’s poorest, but proportionately the amounts remain small.

按比例看,该等增长大于人口或登记机动车辆的增长。Such increases were proportionately greater than the growth in population or in the number of registered motor vehicles.

因此,欧洲在世界事务和美国问题中的相对比重会相对地减少。Therefore, Europe’s relative gravitas and weight in both global affairs and American issues will proportionately decrease.

于是我问道,鉴于现在中国正在快速赶上,那么它对全球创新之库的贡献,是否也会同比例增长呢?So, I ask, now that China is catching up so fast, is it also going to contribute proportionately to the global stock of innovation?

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据悉,在牛肉,大米和小麦这些食品中的水足迹要相对而言比大多数水果和蔬菜中的高得多。The water footprint of food stuffs such as beef, rice and wheat are known to be proportionately much higher than most fruit and vegetables.

届时,美国和俄罗斯将减少各自战略核弹头数量至500枚,其他国家将按比例地减少其库存。This would see America and Russia each cut their arsenals to 500 warheads each and the other states reduce their inventories proportionately.

NO氧化速率与烃浓度的平方成正比增加,而与NO2浓度成反比。The rate of N0 oxidation also increases proportionately with the square of the hydrocarbon concentration but inversely with the NO2 concentration.