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是的,我是兰道。Yes, I an Landor.

墨尔本问朗涛发展一套连贯的品牌战略、新身份系统。City of Melbourne asked Landor to develop a cohesive brand strategy and new identity system.

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问朗涛墨尔本市发展一个连贯的品牌战略和新的识别系统。City of Melbourne asked Landor to develop a cohesive brand strategy and new identity system.

本周,该公司推出一个新的身份,由朗涛旧金山办公室的设计。This week, the company introduced a new identity designed by the San Francisco office of Landor.

郎涛设计了一款浑厚、有冲击力的标志与百事自身标志的力量感相配合,爆发出的光芒环绕着标志。Landor created a bold, bursting Pepsi Dada logo to tie in with the energy of the Pepsi logo and bursts of light that surround it.

对于中国版包装,郎涛保留了一些全球元素但对其他元素进行了调整,从而让它更吸引中国消费者。For the Chinese pack, Landor maintained some of the global design elements but modified others to better appeal to Chinese consumers.

兰道进行的壹项新研讨,品牌顾问,员工网民调查评估其有效性250技术领先品牌。A new study by Landor Associates, a brand consultancy, polled Internet users to evaluate the effectiveness of 250 leading technology brands.

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这个系列通过一个叫“百事搭搭搭”的媒体活动进行宣传,郎涛同时要设计活动标志以及卖场终端。The series was supported by a media campaign called "Pepsi Dada, " and Landor was asked to create the event logo and point-of-sale material.

以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡1日在耶路撒冷一场国际纳粹大屠杀纪念日仪式上发表讲话,向兰多致以哀悼。Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem an international Holocaust Memorial Day ceremony, a speech to extend my condolences to the Landor.

法学案例教学之发端可以溯至1870年哈佛大学法学院朗道尔所创立的判例教学法。The beginning of the teaching method of cases in law can be traced back to the teaching method of prejudication founded by Landor of the Law Institute of Harvard University in 1870.