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大于XL度身订造须付附加费。Surcharge for extra big sizes beyond XL.

迟交的申请要收取附加费。A surcharge is levied on late applications.

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这封快信的附加费是多少钱?What's the surcharge on this express letter?

如果车程超过400英里﹐就要按里数额外收费。There1s a surcharge for mileage after 400 miles.

这封快信的附加费是多少?What's the surcharge on this express letter, please?

此前,该航线单程燃油附加费为400元人民币。Prior to this, the route one-way fuel surcharge of 400 yuan.

由于油价上涨,燃油附加费随之上涨只是一种权宜之计。As oil prices rise, raising the fuel surcharge is a quick fix.

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旺季期间出发须缴附加费,详程请向本公司查询。High season surcharge may apply, please check with our company.

若邮件邮资不足,香港邮政会收取欠资及相关费用。Underpaid mail items are subject to surcharge by Hongkong Post.

对于申请第四层级签证的学生而言,健康附加费为每年150英镑。The health surcharge is set at ?150 per year for Tier 4 students.

若需以吊车或其他方式吊运,请来电告知费用另计。For lifting by crane or other means, please call us for a surcharge.

下个月燃油附加费将下调到10.75,请知悉!Please notice that the bunker surcharge will be down regulated to 10.75.

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以上价目并不包括乘客港务费及燃油附加费。Above fare are exclusive of Passenger Handling Charge and Fuel Surcharge.

以上价格已为净价,不再收取任何服务费。Above are the Nett Charges. There will be no service charge and no surcharge.

请漠视以下指示,你可以寄扣款单扣这些附加费。Pls disregard below instructions. You may send Debit Note for this surcharge.

上述价目不包括基本服务费用及其它附加费。II. The prices listed above do not include base service fee & other surcharge.

专家预言,类似的燃油附加费上涨将影响到其他交通工具。Experts predict that similar fuel surcharge hikes will affect other forms of transport.

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西南航空和大陆航空的发言人都表明他没并没有实施提价。Spokespersons for Southwest and Continental both said they had not added the surcharge.

污水附加费计划的顾问检讨已在一九九七年四月完成。A consultancy review of the trade effluent surcharge scheme was completed in April 1997.

抗议活动开始后的一周之内,就有人提出要向富人征收附加税。Within a week after the protest started, there was talk of a tax surcharge on the wealthy.