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他一张张地翻乐谱。He leafed through the music.

我快速翻看一些艺术书籍。I leafed through some art books.

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树木现在都长出了叶子。All the trees are leafed out now.

我快速翻看旅游手册。I leafed through the travel brochures.

我快速翻看一些科学的期刊。I leafed through some science journals.

在期末考试前我匆匆地翻了下笔记。I leafed my notes before the final examination.

出于一种责任感我迅速翻阅了一下。I leafed through it out of a sense of obligation.

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上帝关上一扇门的时候,也将开启一扇门。God closes a leafed door's time, also will open a leafed door.

我是能够感觉的,母亲生前经常翻看这些照片。I could feel that, mother had always leafed over those photos.

你给我的那株植物正在我以为它死了的时候长出了叶子。The plant you gave me leafed out, just when I thought it was dead.

当树木长大枝叶茂盛时,它们可以起到隔声的作用。Trees also serve as sound barriers when full grown and leafed out.

在等她的丈夫时,她翻阅了一些旧杂志。She leafed through some old magazines while waiting for her husband.

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我一页页地翻过那些泛黄的书页,却意识到自己再也无法阅读那上面的达里语了。I leafed through the faded pages, realizing I could no longer read the Dari.

玛丽在等出租汽车时,百无聊赖,便随手翻翻几本旧杂志。Mary leafed idly through some old magazines as she waited for her taxi to arrive.

上帝在关上一扇门时,一定替你打开了另一扇门。God when closes a leafed door, certainly has turned on another leafed door for you.

他看到了跳着舞的山羊和卡迪,还有颜色深深但很有光泽的灌木丛中的红莓。He saw the goats dancing, Kaldi dancing, and the shiny, dark- leafed shrub with the red berries.

我不知道如果一个四-叶三叶草帮他“感觉”更好,但它是最好的我可以管理。I don't know if a 4- leafed clover helped him to "feel" any better, but it was the best I could manage.

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施奈德上尉打开文件夹翻了翻,拿起两张记忆棒的照片凑到眼前仔细看着。Captain Schneider opened the folder, leafed through it. She lifted two photographs of the object and studied them closely.

卡迪很快明白正是那些颜色很深但很有光泽的灌木丛中的红莓引起了山羊的古怪行为,于是他也跟着跳起舞来。Kaldi soon determined that it was the red berries on the shiny, dark- leafed shrub that caused the goats' eccentric behavior, and soon he was dancing too.

一天晚上,卡迪的山羊没有回家,第二天早晨他发现了它们在颜色很深但很有光泽的红莓灌木丛旁欢乐地跳着舞。One night, Kaldi's goats failed to come home, and in the morning he found them dancing with abandoned glee near a shiny, dark- leafed shrub with red berries.