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他因喝了威士忌酒而头昏。He felt woozy from whisky.

吸血鬼咬过你后,开始眩晕了。Vampires get woozy after biting you.

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她似乎有点虚弱,但是孩子很好。She's a bit woozy but the baby's fine.

你头晕吗?我有多少个条纹?Are you woozy?How many stripes do I have?

我的头因撞着了地面而眩晕。My head was woozy from hitting the ground.

我觉得头昏眼花、心跳加速。I feel dizzy and woozy , and my heart is racing.

我觉得头晕目眩,然后我的心跳很快。I was dizzy and woozy , and my heart was racing.

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我觉得头昏眼花、心跳加速。I felt dizzy and woozy , and my heart was racing.

湿气凝结导致大脑短路,你开始头昏脑胀。The condensation shorts the circuits to your brain, and you get all woozy.

我的左腿不能站立,由于与地面碰撞,头晕目眩。I couldn't stand on my left leg and my heAD was woozy from hitting the ground.

我的左脚站不起来了,我的脑袋撞在地面上好眩晕啰,但我知道我必须站起来。I could not stand on my left leg and my head was woozy from hitting the ground.

你曾经遇到过这种情况吗?你曾经在高海拔上眩晕吗?Has anything like that ever happened to you? Have you ever, had been woozy at altitude?

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为了避免这种头昏眼花的感觉,不要在坐着或躺着的时候迅速地站起来。To avoid that woozy sensation don’t get up from a sitting or prone position too quickly.

为了避免这种头昏眼花的感觉,不要在坐着或躺着的时候迅速地站起来。To avoid that woozy sensation, don’t get up from a sitting or prone position too quickly.

另有几名目击证人说好几次杰克逊从克莱因医生那边回来后,去“这就是它”排练现场,他看上去头晕眼花。Several witnesses said Jackson would arrive at some This Is It rehearsals woozy after seeing Klein.

虽然回来之后实在撑不住了补了几个小时,但还是有点昏沉。I still felt a bit woozy , even though I dozed for a couple of hours to make up after I was exhausted to death.

另外两人等在车里,车停在离那宅子很远处,车内两人的头还处于早前射入他们那不知名药物作用下有点迷迷糊糊。The other two waited in the car, parked beyond the property, their heads woozy from whatever drug had been shot into them.

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在被扣押的20天里,他说,他被捆绑于床上,被迫服用药片和注射使他变得糊里糊涂的。During a 20-day stay, he said, he was lashed to a bed, forced to take pills and given injections that made him numb and woozy.

我们爱她,因为她给我们种流行音乐我们要求定购我们练习和虚弱的周末的晚上,因为她从未试图弹吉他或走到一边,使一个国家的专辑。We love her because she gives us the kind of pop music we demand for our workouts and woozy weekend nights, and because she has never tried to play the guitar or wandered off to make a country album.