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这似乎不合理因为这首诗是在赞扬她,对么?This is palpably false because here's the poet praising her, right?

神经端侧缝合术对供体神经的功能无明显影响。The end-to-side neurorrhaphy do not impact palpably the function of donator.

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改变这个词作为奥巴马的标语,在空气中也得到了体现。Change, to use Mr Obama's sometimes vague slogan, seemed palpably in the air.

州或地方税必须有“合理的根据”,并且不能是“明显的武断”。The state or local tax must have a "rational basis" and not be " palpably arbitrary".

她溺爱年幼的儿子,将他视为与自己丈夫联系的纽带。她与儿子之间的关系非常亲密。She dotes on her young son as a link to his father and the two have a palpably close relationship.

霍利尔的到来为里昂带来的胜利的希望和荣耀,而奥拉斯很显然做不到这点。Houllier was employed to bring Lyon closer to Champions League glory and he has palpably failed to do that.

3年前黎巴嫩战争爆发时,要发表任何反对战争的言论显然都是困难的。When the war in Lebanon raged three years ago it was palpably difficult to say anything against the fighting.

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在很多这样的同时代的人看来,弥尔顿的力量,破坏力显而易见,着实吓人。And Milton's power for so many of these contemporaries was seen as palpably destructive and truly frightening.

是否应该说,没有人生来就是自由的,也不可能人人生下来都是平等的Is it not palpably nearer the truth to say that no man was ever born free and that no two men were ever born equal?

对于美国而言,双边主义和互拼乱凑的地区主义之网明显比特朗普所继承的那个世界要差。A web of bilateralism and a jerry-rigged regionalism are palpably worse for America than the world Mr Trump inherited.

任何顾虑信息的自由流通的政权都很清楚地知道自由思想将有可能很受欢迎。Any regime as palpably concerned about the free flow of information, knows well that ideas about freedom might be very popular.

细节与每件乐器的声像融合在一起,乐器之间更连贯,使整个声场明显更具现场感。Detail was better integrated into individual instrumental shapes, instruments into a more coherent and palpably believable soundstage and acoustic space.

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就好像Naboko让我们看到了文学的面具,让我们看到了它的功能,所以我们对自己的回应有感知了。It's as if Nabokov allows us to see the mask of literature, to actually see it there palpably doing its work, so we can become self-aware of how we respond.

新兴市场国家对自然资源的渴求,从另一个方面推高了石油和其他商品的价格,这使得发达国家的消费者日子更不好过。The emerging world's hunger for natural resources, on the other hand, has made rich-world consumers palpably worse off by pushing up the prices of oil and other commodities.

证据是否在一个伊拉克政府或黎巴嫩的崩解形成,它已成为吴俊勇显然明显的朋友和敌人都在中东的美国在该地区的影响力急剧下降。Whether the evidence is in the formation of an Iraqi government or the collapse of a Lebanese one, it has become palpably obvious to friend and foe alike in the Middle East that the U.

他们已经在承认过程中变得平常“热点,”基本上在东北和在西海岸地方上,在那里学院应用进程明显比在别处强烈。They have become commonplace in admissions "hot spots, " largely in the Northeast and on the West Coast — places where the college application process is palpably more intense than elsewhere.

几天来汉娜的行为一直都很古怪,喜怒无常,专横霸道,同时很明显看得出有某种压力在不折不扣地折磨着她,使她极其敏感和脆弱。Hanna had been behaving oddly for days, moody and peremptory, and the same time palpably under some kind of pressure that was absolutely tormenting her and left her acutely sensitive and vulnerable.