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一次审案时,竟在法庭上与当事人大打出手。But in a trial, he fight with the litigant on court.

有具体的诉讼请求和事实、理由。There are concrete litigant requests, facts and reasons.

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然后就是当一个中国的当事人输了官司后的问题。Then there are the complications when a Chinese litigant loses.

第三人及其诉讼代理人发言或者答辩。Speech or reply by the third party and his litigant representative.

关于这个案子,我建议我们去问问当事人。Touching the case, I suggest that we should go to ask the litigant.

发生法律效力的民事判决、裁定,当事人必须履行。The litigant must carry out a legally effective civil judgment or ruling.

对于消费者而言,举报或者诉讼的收益是否高于不作为?To consumer, inform against or litigant accrual whether prep above nonfeasance ?

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做为私人诉讼当事人,我怎么对毁了我的事业的诽谤寻求补救呢?How can I as a private litigant seek redress for defamation that ruins my business?

诉讼人对初审法院的判决可向上级法院上诉。The litigant may appeal to the higher court for the judgment rendered by the trial court.

电子证据作为一种新的证据形式,逐渐成为新的诉讼证据之一。Being a new form of evidence, electronic evidence has been one of the new litigant evidence.

行政诉讼法关于“诉的利益”限定标准过于严格,不利于发挥行政诉讼的作用,对此必须进行改革。The current demarcating criterion to the litigant advantage is excessively strict and should meet some change.

诉答程序是诉讼当事人通过起诉状和答辩状等书面文书陈明自己的诉讼请求和进行答辩的程序。Pleading procedure is the lawsuit litigant show own lawsuit requests and defense through the bill and response.

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民事诉讼中的自认,具有拘束审判权力和免除一方当事人举证责任的功能。The self-admission in civil proceeding can confine adjudicative power and free the litigant of burden of proof.

在诉讼成本分担上以当事人分担为主制约了诉权的充分行使。Second, shared in the lawsuit cost share by the litigant primarily restricts the right of suit to exercise fully.

必须到庭的当事人和其他诉讼参与人有正当理由没有到庭的。Where the litigant and other litigant participants who must appear before the court are absent with proper reason.

就此,北京网尚要求我乐网赔偿其经济损失322500元,并承担诉讼费用。At this point, beijing net still asks I am happy the net recoups its pecuniary loss 322500 yuan, bear litigant cost.

告知当事人有关的诉讼权利义务,询问当事人是否提出回避申请。Inform the litigants of their litigant rights and obligations, and inquire whether they wish to apply for withdrawal.

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其次,采用历史分析的方法介绍了我国民事诉讼处分权的历史和现状。Secondly, the thesis took the historical analysis ways to introduce Chinese litigant disposal rights'history and present.

德、英、中、俄刑诉中的被害人具有当事人的诉讼地位。被害人的赔偿程序各具特色。However, the injured in criminal litigation in Germany, England, China and Russia is in the litigation status of litigant.

从我国宪法及其民事实体法和民事诉讼法相关规定中我们同时都能找到当事人行使起诉权的法律依据。From our constitution law and civil entity law and other prescription, we can find the basis litigant perform litigious right.