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比方说我是在德克萨斯的,一个非常宗派性的原教旨主义教会长大的。For example,I grew up in a very,very sectarian fundamentalist church in Texas.

他成为了詹森主义,当时一种基督教原教旨主义的信徒。He became a follower of Jansenism, a fundamentalist version of the Christianity of his day.

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后者必然胜利,因为他坚信自己是正确的,而前者则不敢认定后者是错误的。The fundamentalist must win because he is sure he’s right, and you are not sure he’s wrong.

由此可见,“原典儒学”是与君主制度相匹配的精神现象。Therefore, Fundamentalist Confucianism was a spiritual phenomenon that was matched to monarchy.

一些穆斯林原教旨主义者拒绝这一节日,似乎将这两个节日合并,或将其视为异教徒所为。Some fundamentalist Muslims reject the holiday, seeming to conflate the two, or viewing it as pagan.

掌权的塔利班绝大多数是原教旨逊尼派和普什图族人。The ruling Taliban—mostly fundamentalist Sunni ethnic Pashtuns—saw Hazaras as infidels animals other.

改革派不赞同原教旨主义者的自杀炸弹袭击,他们支持阿拉法特。Reformists are inclined to disapprove of the fundamentalist suicide bombers, and to support Yasser Arafat.

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在一些宗教基要主义地区、或者在恐怖分子之中,西方文化毫无魅力、遭遇排斥。In some fundamentalist circles, and among the terrorists, Western culture evokes repulsion, not attraction.

“今天,我感觉如同是一个从来没有阅读过圣经的孩子突然到了正统派基督教阵营里,”他告诉我。"Today, I feel like a kid in a fundamentalist Christian camp who's never even read the Bible, " he told me.

它确实挽救了人命,那些原教旨主义犹太教激进分子为了推进其千禧年之梦而愿意牺牲的人命。It saves lives, lives fundamentalist Jewish radicals would risk in order to advance their millennial dreams.

然而,基督教也有了很大程度上的复苏,尤其是正统基督教和五旬节流派。However, there is also a strong Christian revival, especially among the fundamentalist and Pentecostal sects.

她是一名原教旨基督徒,主张在阿拉斯加的学校里同时教授造物论和进化论。She's a fundamentalist Christian. She advocated teaching creationism alongside evolution in Alaska's schools.

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也许是,但你不常听人们对基督教基本教义派有类似的好奇。Maybe so. But you do not often hear people advocating similar inquisitiveness about the fundamentalist Christian mind.

信服正统派基督教的教徒们喜欢将圣经作为他们“启示”的唯一来源,并会就圣经书上的内容展开数小时的辩论。Fundamentalist Christians like to use the Bible as their sole source of “revelation” and will argue for hours from its pages.

当局正受到抗击印度教和穆斯林基本教义团伙的压力,同时还要铲除日益增加的暴力活动。Authorities are under pressure to act against both Hindu and Muslim fundamentalist groups and stem the growing tide of violence.

在埃及不久前刚刚发生的一起宗教冲突中,信奉原教旨主义的沙拉菲穆斯林于上个月底袭击了上埃及地区阿斯旺市附近的一座教堂。In the most recent incident, fundamentalist Salafi Muslims attacked a church near the city of Aswan in Upper Egypt late last month.

此外,我还无法相信迈克尔的“真我”竟是个在文章中诋毁同志的基督教原教旨主义者。Besides, I had a hard time believing that Michael’s “true self” was a fundamentalist Christian who writes derogatorily about being gay.

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在与文化名人,包括与一些穆斯林领袖会晤中,教皇也公开指责了信奉正统派基督教的狂热份子。The pope is also expected to denounce fundamentalist fanaticism during a meeting with cultural figures including several Muslim leaders.

留着老式传教士的络腮胡子,自称是一个“原教旨主义的摩门教徒”,对他来说多重婚姻是履行宗教义务。Bearded as an old-time preacher, Green, 52, describes himself as a " fundamentalist Mormon" for whom plural marriage is a religious duty.

所有她的作品有一个女性的角度来看,和萨尔瓦多Saadawi受到威胁的各种伊斯兰原教旨主义团体她的生命。All of her works have a feminist point of view, and El Saadawi was threatened by various Islamic fundamentalist groups throughout her life.