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一度,你们的DNA是完整无缺的。At one time, your DNA was intact.

这些易碎的箱子完整无损地运到了。The fragile boxes arrived intact.

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我们的愿景和路线图是完整无缺的。The vision and the roadmap is intact.

命运已被安排的完整无缺。Arrangements have been the fate of intact.

图他卡门的陵墓,完好无缺地出土。The discovery of Tutankhamen's intact tomb.

氧化物表层上面的氮化物保持原状不动。The nitride on oxide layers remains intact.

钱原封未动地被捡拾者送还。The money was returned intact by its finder.

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完整无缺的RNA生成可发出绿光的蛋白质。Intact RNA produces the glowing green protein.

那只玻璃杯坠地后依然完好无损。The glass remained intact after being dropped.

但是,语义结构仍然是完整的。However, the semantic structure remains intact.

内放易碎物品的包裹完好无损的到达。The fragile goods in the parcel arrived intact.

这样反复地积,反复地落,雪松完好无损。This plot again, repeatedly fall, cedar intact.

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但是完好无缺的很少发现。But few of the bowls had ever been found intact.

对照组保持纤维环完整。In the control group, fibrous anulus was intact.

也许正是失去,才令我们完整。Maybe it is exactly the lost that makes us intact.

以固定的完整虫体进行IFA,未显示荧光。IFA did not show fluorescence in intact tachyzoite.

比起一颗破蛋来说,一颗完整的蛋的熵值要更低。An intact egg has lower entropy than a shattered one.

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如果想要保持原有的关系,那就退让吧!Back off if you want to keep the relationship intact.

五十年前,亚马逊几乎还是一块处女地。Fifty years ago, the Amazon was still largely intact.

1303年地震有一个完整的序列。Moreover, the earthquake in 1303 has an intact array.