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他被控犯有谋杀罪。He was accused of murder.

他被指控凡有偷窃罪。He was accused of stealing.

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他们控告他谋杀。They accused him of murder.

他控告那人犯有偷窃罪。He accused the man of theft.

他指责他们不守信用。He accused them of bad faith.

他被控犯有贪污罪。He was accused of corruption.

他被控告犯有贪污罪。He was accused of corruption.

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他被控犯有从事间谍罪。He has been accused of spying.

被告恳求宽大处理。The accused craved for leniency.

他作了不利于被告的证词。He testified against the accused.

苏指责我太自私。Sue accused me for being selfish.

现在他以通奸罪控告维克多。Now he accused Victor of adultery.

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所有刑事原告暗示不伏罪。All the accused pleaded not guilty.

法庭宣判被告无罪。The court absolved the accused man.

另一家报纸指责他口是心非。Another accused him of his duplicity.

被告人有权获得辩护。The accused has the right to defense.

谁都知道他受到诬告。Everyone knows he was wrongly accused.

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那家报纸被控告为诽谤他。The paper was accused of libeling him.

被告承认其他六个犯罪行为.The accused admitted six other offences.

第二天他们被控诉为异端。The next day they were accused heretics.