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接受失败。Accept defeat.

因战败而绝望。Despair in Defeat.

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你们无法战胜我们。You cannot defeat us.

不过也是战败的一方But party to a defeat.

你能打败任何人。You can defeat everybody.

他们能否击败卡扎菲?And can they defeat Gaddafi?

他从不认输。That man never admits defeat.

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他发誓一定要挫败奥丁的计划。He swore to defeat Odin's plan.

恐惧只会带来更多的失败。Fear only brings us more defeat.

我终于打败晕车。I can defeat carsickness finally.

使用长弓杀死30名敌人。Defeat 30 enemies with the Longbow.

他们拒绝承认失败。They refused to acknowledge defeat.

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对……无把握,怀疑。Without doubt, we will defeat them.

可桃子不能打败大龙。But peaches can not defeat Tai Long.

在5分钟内击败奥妮克希亚。Defeat Onyxia in less than 5 minutes.

不要因为这次失败而气馁。Don t let this defeat dishearten you.

别让失败使你灰心丧气。Don't let defeat fill you with gloom.

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当然,苹果有可能一览众山小。Sure, Apple may even defeat them all.

挫折与失败会使人谦卑。Defeat and failure make people humble.

中国女队这次击败了哪个队?Which team did china defeat this team?