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圣球废话!Holy crap balls!

这真是一堆废话啊。What a load of crap.

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凯若琳,这些都是废话!That is crap Caroline!

他们全是胡说八道。They are full of crap.

他们待我像废物一样.They treat me like crap.

流行音乐几乎都是在鬼扯。Pop music is mostly crap.

我觉得这些纯属废话。I think that’s utter crap.

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我受够了他的恶劣行径。I've had enough of his crap.

心型糖果很难吃。Candy hearts taste like crap.

他们大都很差劲。They're normally pretty crap.

他的演讲词通篇是废话。His speech was a load of crap.

这样你也不会买这么多废物了。Then you won’t buy so much crap.

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我也得学几句骂人的话。I'm gonna beat the crap out of you!

那个饭店的饭菜是垃圾。The food at that restaurant is crap.

我能打得你满地找牙。I could have beat the crap out of you.

我真的不喜欢感觉象个废物,非常不喜欢!And I really dislike feeling like crap.

少废话,你能直奔主题吗?Cut the crap. Can you get to the point?

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测量你对于废话的承受度。Measure your threshold for taking crap.

那是一堆枯燥乏味、毫无幽默感的废话。It is a tedious, humourless load of crap.

我受够了你的废话。少说废话吧。I‘m so fed up with your BS. Cut the crap.