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天上的国度依何存在?How do the heavenly worlds exist and subsist?

别担心你的孩子们,我可以供养他们。Don't worry about your children whom I can subsist.

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许多人早已是仅仅能够维持生存。Many already subsist on the mere threshold of survival.

可以用剩饭喂养它们,它们还可以自己外出找食。Instead they can subsist on leftovers and whatever they forage.

在荒岛上他只能靠树皮和草根维持生命。He could subsist on bark and grass roots in the isolated island.

在自然界斗鱼生存几乎完全以昆虫和昆虫幼虫。In nature Bettas subsist almost exclusively on insects and insect larvae.

让事情更糟的是,他们日常食用的食品都被猪油煎炸过。To make matters worse, they subsist on a diet heavy in foods fried in lard.

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新组建的检修公司将如何面向市场求生存谋发展?。How will the new-built maintenance company subsist and develop facing market?

许多新的大学生生存在宿舍,和许多这些宿舍都是男女同校。Many new college students subsist in dorms , and many of these dorms are coed.

北极熊通常在浮冰上抓捕海豹作为食物。Polarbears usually subsist on seals, which they hunt from a platform of seaice.

这些原始型的可怕动物是唯一一种以吸血为生的哺乳动物。These archetypal eerie animals are the only mammals that subsist solely on blood.

我会很坚强,很耐心地活下去,看到那些坏人受到天谴吗?I will be very firm, subsist of very patient ground, see those hellion get day Qian?

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使用断食法,你将依靠柠檬水生活,其中加入辣椒粉和枫糖。With the master cleanse, you’ll subsist on lemon water with cayenne pepper and maple syrup.

就着另一罐腌萝卜,这只海龟让他们又撑了几天。Together with the other can of turnips, the turtle enabled them to subsist for the next few days.

有一瞬间我想也许我应该让他们知道我为什么必须来这里,没准他们会愿意让我在这儿待下去。For a split second I thought I should let them know why I had to come here, so that they would let me subsist here.

由于拥有广大的地下真菌农场,切叶蚁成为了世界上最成功的物种之一。A star of rain forest documentaries, leafcutter ants are one of about 250 ant species that subsist on farmed fungus.

你有时肯定想知道是否移居到荒岛,依靠浆果和新鲜空气为生的生活会变得容易。You do sometimes wonder whether it mightn't be easier tomoe to a desert island and subsist on berries and fresh air.

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你有时肯定想知道是否移居到荒岛,依靠浆果和新鲜空气为生的生活会变得容易。You do sometimes wonder whether it mightn't be easier to move to a desert island and subsist on berries and fresh air.

为什么历史上那个时期所有王国都害怕消耗,当一个王国为了得以生存在物质上消耗另一个王国?Why do all kingdoms fear consumption when one consumes another kingdom physically in order to subsist at this time in history?

这也许只是基本费用,但是对于那些吃多了油腻食物的都市人来说,一次健康的改变,也是旅途中最大的追求了。It may be basic fare, but for urbanites who subsist on greasy food every day, a healthy change is a big holiday pursuit indeed.