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她是重庆人。She is chongqing.

重庆火锅也是举世闻名的。Chongqing hot pot is famous.

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我希望我是重庆人。I wish I am a Chongqing person.

我是来自重庆的王华婷。I am Wang Huating from Chongqing.

在重庆也是鼎鼎有名的地方。It is a famous place in Chongqing.

我爱重庆的一山一水。I love of chongqing water mountain.

你能在地图上给我指出重庆的位置吗?Can you show me Chongqing on the map?

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是从重庆上船顺长江而下?Down the Yangzi River from Chongqing?

这就是重庆人的语言艺术。Chongqing is the language of this art.

林彦,1927年出生,重庆市人。Lin Yan was born in 1927 in Chongqing.

欢迎来到重庆园博园!Welcome to Chongqing Garden Expo Park!

重庆望江工业有限公司?。Chongqing Wangjiang Industry Co. , Ltd.

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重庆火锅!我来啦!!!!!Chongqing hot pot! I have came! ! ! ! !

重庆煤矿瓦斯爆炸,25人死亡。Colliery gas burst kills 25 in Chongqing.

从重庆到汉口,我坐了木船。I took a wooden boat from Chongqing to Hankou.

天呐,这才叫做“宁人吃惊”。我希望在不久的将来访问重庆。I'd love to visit Chongqing in the near future!

重庆哪里有卖增高鞋?回答知…Where Chongqing has sell increase the high shoe?

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渝菜网,只是作一个引子。Chongqing cuisine nets, just as a starting point.

重庆地域地形奇特,多山多丘陵。Chongqing terrain is unusual, hills and mountains.

我是一名来自重庆大学的访问学者。I am a visiting scholar from chongqing university.