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但是木琴却是如此让人着迷。But the marimba was so intriguing.

女王笑着看着小姑娘。Marimba smiled at the little girl.

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这是木琴演奏的一段粒子碰撞的声音。That’s a proton collision played on marimba.

罗恩做第一架木琴花了一年多的时间。Ron's first marimba took over a year to build.

在那之前,他和“木琴一号”将会一直继续努力。Until then, he and Marimba One will keep on keeping on.

当木琴的旋律响起,请与我共舞,让我摇摆起来。When marimba rhythms start to play, Dance with me, make me sway.

哦,玛莉巴,是我的小侄女告诉我的,她有非凡的智力。My little niece, who is gifted with understanding told me so, O Marimba.

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马林巴是世界上广泛流行,而且深受人们喜爱的一种旋律型打击乐器。Marimba is one of popular persuasion musical instruments with rhythm in the world.

诺尼威的父亲就开始在女王玛莉巴面前说穆腾古的坏话。Nonikwe's father began to tell many false stories about Mutengu to the queen, Marimba.

有一天,他会制作出一架木琴,能把那个声音的奥妙完全地呈现给我们其他人。One day, he will make a marimba that will fully reveal the secret of that sound to the rest of us.

纽约爱乐以及曼哈顿木琴四重奏的成员也会委托阿鲁齐录制音乐。His work has also been commissioned by members of the New York Philharmonic and the Manhattan Marimba Quartet.

我作为观察员去过几次,只是去见见木琴演奏者,听听他们的意见,问问他们想听到什么样的声音。I went as an observer for a few years, just to meet marimba players and get their ideas on what they want to hear.

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1989年,在木工店工作了大约五年后,罗恩辞了职,开始全职做木琴生意。In 1989, about five years after he'd taken the job at the woodworking shop, Ron quit to run his marimba business full-time.

他刻苦努力以提高自己的技艺,不到20岁,就把定音鼓、马林巴琴和木琴加入了他的全部器乐曲目中。He worked hard to perfect his craft, and before his 20th birthday, he added the tympani, marimba and xylophone to his repertoire.

就是那一刻,他与多年前将它带入木琴世界的那个深邃、柔和、奇妙的声音最是紧密相连。It is then when he connects most with that deep, warm magical sound that drew him into the world of the marimba so many years ago.

他刻苦努力以提高自己的技艺,不到20岁,就把定音鼓、马林巴琴和木琴加入了他的全部器乐曲目中。He worked hard to perfect his craft , and before his 20th birthday , he added the tympani , marimba and xylophone to his repertoire.

当时罗恩还是洪堡州立大学的学生,他在学校音乐系搜寻并且惊喜地找到了一架木琴。A college student at Humboldt State University at the time, Ron searched for—and amazingly found—a marimba in the music department on campus.

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当初那位向他介绍木琴的朋友开始鼓励他自己造一架木琴,从而真正去发掘木琴声的美妙之处——这正是他一直努力探究的。The same friend who had introduced him to the marimba began urging him to make one himself, to really explore those possibilities of sound that he was reaching for.

过去那一整个礼拜,我们跟许多优秀乐手合作录制了低音吉他、吉他、踏板电吉他、电风琴、电钢琴、电颤琴、甚至是真的马林巴木琴。Over the course of the week, we did bass, guitar, pedal steel, organ, electric piano, vibraphone and even real marimba overdubs with some incredible musicians as well.