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乍一看绿鹅没什么用处。At first Green Goose sounded a little gimmicky.

很多花样百出的俱乐部的项目都不会为我们设身处地的着想。Most gimmicky club things just don't do it for me.

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投机取巧的团队依靠单一的强力战术制胜。A gimmicky or imbalanced team relies on one powerful tactic to win.

这两项调查结果可以巧妙地让人管窥到美中两国的文化气质。The survey results provide a gimmicky glimpse into cultural psyches in the G-2 nations.

这两项调查结果可以巧妙地让人管窥到美中两国的文化气质。The survey results provide a gimmicky glimpse into cultural psyches in the G-2 nations.

但不管怎么样,这个新奇的应用肯定能帮你拉来一大帮人,给你的乐队聚集人气。Regardless, the gimmicky new app would likely draw a crowd, making sure your band doesn't go extinct.

麦凯恩必须停止每隔几天就揭开那些“噱头”计划,假装好像在处理金融危机。McCain should stop unveiling gimmicky proposals every couple of days that pretend to deal with the financial crisis.

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花哨的专门机构无法弥补的司法制度充满弯曲,胆怯或缺乏经验的法官和检察官。Gimmicky special agencies cannot make up for a justice system filled with crooked, timid or inexperienced judges and prosecutors.

尽管中国人的确会吃一些稀奇古怪的东西,但是现在却越来越只是一种噱头了,而且绝大多数人也从来没有吃过狗肉--也不想吃。Though the Chinese do eat peculiar creatures, it's becoming increasingly gimmicky these days, and the vastmajority have never eaten dog – nor wantto.

高超技巧的应用,惊人的设计体现在这些漂亮的布局,摄影领域的光学色彩,每一页都极具启发性。Gone are the gimmicky layouts and in their place are stunning designs set in beautiful locations, glorious colour photography and each page is packed with inspiration.

该州无党派立法分析师马克·泰勒,揭穿了加州州长杰里布朗和立法机构于六月份通过的花哨的预算。The state's non-partisan legislative analyst, Mac Taylor, has now given the lie to the gimmicky budget the governor, Jerry Brown, and the legislature agreed to in June.

投资者们将其视为障眼法,目的就是推高股价、吸引更多的投资者买进该股,在很多情况下还是为了不被摘牌。Investors regard them as gimmicky , an attempt to prop up a stock price to lure more institutional investors into buying the shares and, in many cases, to avoid a delisting.

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很遗憾,和其他很多关于饮食的噱头一样,负热量食物的概念过于理想化了,现在也没有任何食物被科学证实是真正的“负热量”。Unfortunately, like so many other gimmicky diets, this is just too good to be true and currently there is zero scientific evidence that there are any foods that are actually “negative calorie”.