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她嫁给一个西班牙人,最后住在巴赛隆纳。She married a Spaniard and finished up in Barcelona.

“他是一个伟大的球员,”科曼说。"He is a great footballer, " Koeman said of the Spaniard.

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西班牙人安娜·伊格雷亚斯负责尤尼森公司的这个办事处。Ana Iglesias is a Spaniard who runs the Unisono office here.

赫莱布传球,西班牙人射门攻破了舒梅切尔的十指关。Hleb could slip a pass to the Spaniard who lashed his shot past Schmeichel.

据意大利安莎通讯社报道,死者是一名意大利人和一名西班牙人。The Italian news agency ANSA reported the dead were an Italian and a Spaniard.

在循环赛的第一轮,穆雷被西班牙选手费雷尔直落两盘击败。He fell in straight sets to Spaniard David Ferrer in his opening round robin match.

这位88岁高龄的西班牙人将会留在北京直到奥支会结束。The 88-year-old Spaniard is expected to stay at the city until the end of the games.

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纳达尔向费德勒追了770分,不过要想超过天王还得再努力2960分。The Spaniard moved up to Roger by 770 points, but still lies 2960 points behind him.

这名西班牙中场可以同莫莫。西索科组成一个伟大的冠军级别的中场组合。The Spaniard would form a great partnership with Momo Sissoko for the Scudetto race.

西班牙人完成了113圈,他进行的是普利司通轮胎研发项目。The Spaniard completed 113 laps as he began a Bridgestone tyre development programme.

西班牙小将以对萨格勒布迪纳摩的欧冠资格赛作为本赛季进球的起点。The Spaniard kicked off this season with a brace at Dinamo Zagreb in the Champions League.

由于西班牙门将为周六迎战切尔西的比赛轮休,林德加德站了出来。With the Spaniard rested for Sunday's Premier League visit of Chelsea, Lindegaard excelled.

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正在状态的西班牙人超过了帕特里克·博格,把自己的联赛进球数增加到了29个。The in-form Spaniard leapfrogged Patrik Berger in taking his league tally to 29 and counting.

按西班牙人的主张,丰乳肥臀的孀妇应该使之再婚,或予以掩埋,否则就关进女修道院里去。The Spaniard have it that a buxom widow must be either married, buried, or shut up in a convent.

F1目前的新秀,19岁的西班牙人阿古雅苏雅利,相信雷诺被禁赛是不公平的。F1's newest rookie, the 19-year-old Spaniard Jaime Alguersuari, believes Renault's ban is unfair.

两周后,他又在1000分系列赛——印第安威尔斯大师赛上击败了西班牙人获得冠军。That victory came two weeks after he beat the Spaniard to win the Indian Wells Masters 1000 title.

“如果费南多可以和肯尼·达格利什一样,那将会令人高兴的。”西班牙人说。"If Fernando can play at the same level as Kenny Dalglish it would be amazing, " said the Spaniard.

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有现象表明葡萄牙人和西班牙人在赛后很少把酒言欢。Something tells me the Portuguese and Spaniard haven't shared too many bottles of plonk after a game.

而也不指望西班牙人在英格兰工作所处的大众传媒时代能比得上香客利时期对幽默的娴熟掌控。Nor could a Spaniard working in England in the mass-media age hope to match Shankly's mastery of comedy.

加索尔在31分钟的上场时间内拿下的篮板数,他也拿下了13分和3次助攻。Rebounds in 31 minutes from Pau Gasol to lead all players. The Spaniard added 13 points and three assists.