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西哈莫尼于1日来京探望父母西哈努克夫妇。Sihamoni arrived in Beijing on January 1 to see his parents Mr. and Mrs. Sihanouk.

西哈努克和西哈莫尼请唐家璇转达他们对胡锦涛主席和温家宝总理的新年问候。Sihanouk and Sihamoni asked Tang to convey their New Year greetings to President Hu and Premier Wen.

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唐家璇转达了胡锦涛和温家宝对西哈努克夫妇和西哈莫尼国王的新年祝福和亲切问候。Tang conveyed best wishes and cordial greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Sihanouk and King Sihamoni for the New Year.

与政府军进行的多年游击战使得诺罗顿西哈努克亲王在1970年的军事政变中被推翻。After years of guerilla activity fighting the government, Prince Norodom Sihanouk was deposed in 1970 in a military coup.

此次我应西哈努克国王陛下的邀请首次对贵国进行国事访问,亲身体验到柬埔寨人民对中国人民的深厚情谊。He went on to say that he is paying a state visit to Cambodia for the first time at the invitation of His Majesty King Sihanouk.

洪森表示,西哈努克省等西南沿海地区旅游资源丰富,每年都吸引大量国内外游客观光旅游。Hun Sen, Sihanouk Province, southwest coast rich in tourism resources, attracting a large number of foreign tourists every year, tourism.

西哈努克于1941年至1955年执政柬埔寨,于1993年再次担任柬埔寨国王,至2004年传位于其子,即现任国王诺罗敦·西哈莫尼。Sihanouk ruled Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 until his abdication in 2004 in favor of his son, the current King Norodom Sihamoni.

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西哈努克感谢唐家璇在其83岁寿辰之际代表胡锦涛主席和温家宝总理专程前来祝贺。Sihanouk thanked Tang for making a special trip to congratulate him on behalf of President Hu and Premier Wen on the occasion of his 83rd birthday.

越南战争冲突升级波及到柬博寨,1970年一个祟洋的军事政府推翻了长久以来的统治者国王诺罗敦·西哈努克。The Vietnam War spilled into Cambodia, igniting conflict, and in 1970 a pro-Western military government overthrew longtime ruler Prince Norodom Sihanouk.

西哈莫尼深情地回顾和赞扬了西哈努克前国王和中国几代领导人共同精心培育的柬中传统友谊。King Sihamoni emotionally reviewed and spoke highly of Cambodia-China friendship forged by former King Sihanouk and Chinese leaders of several generations.

西哈努克说,中国是他的第二故乡,自从上世纪70年代以来,他就与中国老一辈领导人建立了诚挚的友谊。Sihanouk noted that China is his second homeland and since the 1970s, he has established sincere friendship with the older generations of Chinese leaderships.

他赞扬西哈努克是中国人民十分敬重的老朋友,为发展中柬关系做出了卓越贡献。Tang appreciated that Sihanouk is an old friend deeply respected by the Chinese people and has made remarkable contributions to developing bilateral relations.

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西哈努克国王很高兴与胡锦涛主席亲切会见,他深情回顾了同中国历届领导人的亲密交往和友谊。Sihanouk expressed gladness at the friendly meeting with Hu. He reviewed the close exchanges and friendship with the generations of Chinese leaders with deep feelings.