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小稻棍儿奏一曲。With a nicknack paddy whack.

宇宙的微不足道打击了我们。Cosmic two-by-fours whack us.

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你的那个‘兄弟’揍你吗?Does your ‘brother’ whack you?

他每星期能写出一篇短篇小说。He can whack out a short story every week.

姨妈,希德拿糖吃,您怎么不打他呀。Aunt, you don't whack Sid when he takes it.

我授权你们,向他们放一排狠毒的排枪。I authorize you to hit 'em a tremendous whack.

他们在讨论怎样分红利。They are discussing how to whack up the profits.

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雄性小猩猩则喜欢用棍子互相敲打。Males prefer to use the sticks to whack each other.

这样的表现同过去的确完全不同。That performance was entirely out of whack with the past.

还有为什么我们不能在伊朗搞出核弹前轰掉伊朗?And why not just whack the Iranians before they get the bomb?

盗贼们决定分赃。The robbers decided to whack up the profits from the robbery.

如果您没有时间,那是你把不该放在优先位置上的东西放错了地方。If you do not have the time, your priorities are out of whack.

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我觉到左眼有点儿毛病了,可能是配副眼镜了。I think my left eye is out of whack a little. Maybe I need glasses.

俺可以和你打赌,俺能一棒子把你从俺们温泉这儿打到敌人温泉那儿!How much ya wanna bet I can whack ya from one fountain to the other?

因为下雪,巴士和火车都不能正常运行了。The buses and trains are all out of whack today because of the snow.

除此之外,它们的腹部也是猛击对手的有力武器。They can also flick their abdomens to forcefully whack another male.

史蒂芬先生,我能向你借除草机吗?我的刚坏掉。Mr. Stevens, may I borrow your lawn mower?Mine just went out of whack.

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如果你要伸手够才能拿到鼠标,你的坐姿肯定有问题。If you have to reach for it, then your seated posture may be out of whack.

如果你认为打他是错误的,那你实际上也犯错误了。If you think it was wrong to whack him, you're making a mistake, actually.

一些小伙子能把球踢爆,但还有精确度的问题。Some of the lads can really whack the ball but it's about accuracy as well.