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五支腿!Outrigger five!

确保外伸支架全部伸出并稳固于地面上。Make sure outrigger were fully extended and installed on firm pad.

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带刚性加强层R.C。高层建筑结构设计建议。Suggestions on Design of R. C. Highrise Core and Outrigger Structure.

建立了顶煤弹性深梁力学模型,分析了顶煤应力分布及顶煤破坏形式。Mechanical model for the elastic thick outrigger of roof coal is set up.

这是一个开放前支腿皮艇可以转换成轻松帐篷。This is an open top outrigger kayak that converts into a tent with ease.

两条外架式履带在狭长的车身两侧,帮助坦克转向。Flanking its long body are two outrigger treads that allow the tank to turn.

对顶部带伸臂的框架-核心筒结构的整体稳定性进行了分析。This paper analyses the buckling of top- outrigger -braced frame-tube structures.

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菲律宾的巴拉望岛旁,一只独木舟轻轻划过水晶般的海面。An outrigger canoe glides across crystal waters off Palawan Island in the Philippines.

赛舟的队员正用完美划一的动作,驾着一只浮架独木舟破风斩浪,行驶在欧胡岛的海面上。Paddlers perfect their racing strokes in an outrigger canoe off Oahu's windward coast.

严禁不用支腿作业,必须确认支腿牢固支撑后才可作业。Forbid operate without outrigger, work after ensuring outrigger is strong sustain the ground.

对伸臂桁架腹杆,其轴力屈服验算方法采用钢结构规范的计算公式复核。Axial yield of outrigger web was checked by calculation formulas in the steel structures code.

另外,可以简单地关闭支架垫的软管,然后使其恢复全新的状态。Plus, it's a simple matter to hose off the outrigger pads and restore them to like-new condition.

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吊装完成后要操作多路换向阀锁上锁钩,然后收回支腿。When finish hoisting operate multiple directional value lock the hook, and then take back outrigger.

其主引擎位于外架的派龙架和挺杆上,从而使机身内的货舱空间最大化。Its primary engines are located on outrigger pylons and struts to maximize cargo space within the hull.

此外,将会有一个舷外摄像机来捕捉朱利研女士所说的“小鹰时刻”。In addition there will be an outrigger camera to capture what Ms. Druyan called “the Kitty Hawk moment.”

接下来,我指导你的独木舟去看桂林是在河中最漂亮的一个,丽江河。Next, , I guide you in outrigger canoes to see guilin is the most beautiful one in the river, the lijiang river.

并根据计算结果对副车架和支腿结构的设计进行了修正和改进。The structural design of auxiliary frame and outrigger is revised and improved according to calculation results.

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某超高层采用框架-核心筒结构体系,在内筒与核心筒之间采用伸臂桁架连接。The structural system, which the inner core connect huge column by outrigger truss, has been developed in recent years.

工作台底配有四条火箭脚支撑架和四个脚轮,方便搭建作业时的随时移动和固定。At the end of table , There are 4pcs outrigger support and 4pcs castor , Convenient for moving and fix when set up project.

凭着强壮的手臂和乐于助人的精神,塔希提岛的迎宾员将乘坐桨叉架船游泻湖归来的法国度假者送上岸。With strong arms and obliging souls, Tahitians usher ashore French vacationers after a lagoon cruise on an outrigger canoe.