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适用于人流后体虚的调养。Apply to people the aftercare.

适用于妇女贫血及流产后体虚的调养。Suitable for women anemia and after miscarriage body virtual aftercare.

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门诊手术病人术后恢复中心的地位是什么?What is the role of aftercare centers for the ambulatory surgery patient?

它也保证了能对经历过“濒死体验”的病人进行良好的后期心理康复治疗。This will ensure the best psychological aftercare of patients who have a NDE.

目的分析研究甲状腺手术后护理与观察的方法和意义。Objective To analysis of thyroid surgery aftercare and observation methods and significance.

我取得了学位,成为了一名治疗师,并且决定专攻电视节目善后辅导。Since gaining my degree and working as a therapist, I've decided to specialise in TV aftercare.

这些被试者在位于洛杉矶的UCLA的恢复期研究计划的精神科门诊接受治疗。The subjects were psychiatric outpatients at the UCLA Aftercare Research Program in Los Angeles.

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虽然,这需要自动进行,您仍然必须进行善后的建议。Although, this takes place automatically, you must still carry out the aftercare recommendations.

将龙眼肉与蛋花同煮后喝汤,对于人流后调养效果极好。Longan meat and eggs will spend with boiled soup for people, after aftercare effect extremely good.

书中还通过阅读我学到的东西,没告诉你善后的画室。Also through reading your book I've learnt things they never tell you about aftercare in the Studio.

对于任何一种治疗,手术后的恢复不仅靠手术本身成功与否,还要。With any treatment, postoperative recovery depends not only on the procedure, but also on the aftercare.

国内品牌和外国品牌在提供售后服务方面有什么不同?Do the local and international compressor makers differ in what they offer in regards to aftercare services?

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优抚安置单位的年末收养人数为全年接待人次数。The number of persons housed in the table of Institutions for Aftercare and Martyrs is the number of whole year.

其明星产品“修复膏”,含维生素A和D以及羊脂,帮助修复塑眉后浅小的肌肤伤口。One of their signature products "Fix", contains Vitamin A and D, and is used as an aftercare product in brow resurrection.

本文就运动员退役安置现状及解决的办法做出阐述。The situation is very serious, therefore The paper explores the stat and the solution to the aftercare of ex-service athletes.

制片人可以只招募那些身体够强健的人参加挑战,并提供适当的支持和调养。Producers could start by only recruiting those robust enough for the challenge and by offering appropriate support and aftercare.

医生和父母怕亚纪担忧,骗她说只是贫血,只需在暑假期间住院调养便能够了。Doctors and parents fear and concern and cheat her age, just say just anemia in hospital aftercare can during the summer vacation.

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通过文献资料法对我国退役运动员就业安置存在的问题进行了研究。With the research method of literature study, this paper researches into the problems in the aftercare of the ex-service athletes in China.

破产企业职工的救济、安置是破产立法应当充分予以考虑的重要问题。The relief or aftercare of the employees of the bankrupted enterprises are the major problems that should be fully considered in the bankruptcy legislation.

健康促进是促使人们维护健康和改善自身健康的过程,是体检后续服务的主要内容。Health promotion is a process that prompts people to keep health and to improve health, which is the main content in the aspects of medical aftercare service.