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换言之,为什么不需要评判合规性?IOW, why _not_ assess compliance?

检验命名标准的依从性Validate naming standard compliance

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他们恐吓他,使他屈从。They terrorized him into compliance.

的符合性声明。Declaration of Compliance with CCAR-276.

法规遵从性和自动下线Regulatory compliance and automatic logoff

我的工体现在你的自由而非你的顺从中。My joy is in your freedom, not your compliance.

社区云将会到来,感谢之前的承诺Community Clouds will arrive, thanks to compliance

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与SOX遵从相关的风险是很高的。The risks associated with SOX compliance are high.

想必,所有这些征税方案都是在强迫人们服从。Presumably, all these taxes are to induce compliance.

若用药出现身体不适应用一日或三日服法。Use 1-day or 3-day regimen if compliance is an issue.

你现在说的话与你上星期说的话不相符。What you say is not compliance with that of last week.

其他则通过购买碳信用额度的方式来遵守京东议定。Others claim Kyoto compliance by buying carbon credits.

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您可能会疑惑,为什么要在此阶段为遵从性而费心呢?You may wonder, why bother with compliance at this stage?

标准防护措施各个层面、各单项要求执行的偏差较大。The big variance of compliance existed in different items.

需要什么控制机制来确保遵从性。What control mechanisms are required to ensure compliance.

应你方要求我们已经将样品寄出。In compliance with your request, we've sent you our samples.

协助建立和维护美捷特厦门出口控制系统。Support to set up and maintain MXM Export Compliance system.

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首先,该团队不再违反安全规范。First, the team no longer has security compliance violations.

组织常常过度投入于它们的法规遵循解决方案中。Organizations often over-invest in their compliance solution.

简化了遵从途径和查账索引Simplifies compliance initiatives and streamlines audit trails