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佩顿曼宁是一个真正的领域的一般。Peyton Manning is a true field general.

他们的婚姻终结了,曼宁搬了出家。The marriage ended, and Manning moved out.

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埃尔斯伯格夸曼宁为“我们的一位英雄”。Ellsberg has described Manning as "a new hero of mine".

周日,Manning的支持者将在Quantico进行集会。Supporters of Manning plan a rally at Quantico on Sunday.

我认为有一个人和姚明有许多相似之处,那就是曼宁。One person I see most similarity with Yao is Petre Manning.

必须承认,姚明不像曼宁在NFL联盟中那样是个偶像级人物。Granted, Yao is not that icon figure in NBA as Petre Manning in NFL.

米勒拥有这片地,洛克有那片,而曼宁是那片树林的主人。Miller owns this field, Locke that, and Manning the woodland beyond.

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根据美国军事审判统一法典,曼宁面临两项指控。Manning faces two charges under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

我从此便整天的站在柜台里,专管我的职务。From then on I spent the whole day standing at the bar manning my post.

曼宁必须选择是与这些暴行同流合污,还是拒绝合作。Manning had to choose between being complicit in these atrocities, or not.

展馆内有点昏暗但,但里面的中国工作人员却面带微笑。The pavilion looked dingy but the Chinese manning those stalls were smiling.

曼宁因为只在1988-89赛季打了26场比赛。Manning played only 26 games as a rookie in 1988-89 because of a knee injury.

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“曼宁,”他说,“今晚上你肯替我做一点小事吗?”" Manning , " he said, "could I get you to undertake a little work for me this evening?

曼宁此前也曾勇敢地侨装一新,带着假发和胡须自我取笑。Manning has dared to dress up before, donning wigs and mustaches to poke fun at himself.

应优先考虑充为地面部队各级充实人员,有可能的话加以扩充。Priority should be given to manning fully the army’s ranks, and probably expanding them.

何琳去招聘,公司有外派请求,何琳不愿意分开家,回绝了。Lin to recruit, the company has manning requests, Lin reluctant to separate home, rebuffed.

人员配备情况未能达成协议是会谈进行中的主要障碍。The failure to agree on manning levels is a major stumbling-block to progress in the talks.

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珠的律师克里斯·曼宁说他的当事人不相信他们处在这个情况。The Chungs' lawyer, Chris Manning , says his clients can't believe they're in this situation.

但是这些“生物颜料罐”不能很好地保存在古化石中。But these biological paint pots, Dr Manning explained, do not survive well in ancient fossils.

为了吸引更多游客前来,曼宁城兴建了世界最大的神秘迷宫。the city of Manning built the world’s biggest mysterious maze and Karla and Melanie were lost.