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他们是封建统治者的臣民。They were subjects of a feudal ruler.

封建思想在她头脑中根深蒂固。Feudal ideas were stamped on her mind.

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封建社会等级森严。Feudal society was rigidly stratified.

这也是当时封建制度造成的。This is the time of the feudal system.

他自己来自于封建主阶层。He himself comes from the feudal caste.

很疼爱这个小世子了。Love dearly this small son of a feudal lord.

所以“雪夜闭门读禁书”成为封建时代一大乐事。So" on door read banned" became a feudal era.

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我不会流血自己干,在这个新的封建时代。I wont bleed myself dry in this new feudal age.

他是一个典型的封建时代的忠君爱国人物。He is a typical loyalist patriot of feudal times.

轻视妇女是封建思想的一部分。Looking down on women is part of feudal ideology.

国家由一小撮封建集团统治着。The state is ruled by a handful of feudal satraps.

以农为本一直是封建王朝的执政理念。Farmers first had been ruling thought in feudal dynasty.

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在我们的血液里已不再存在封建制和君主制的病害。Feudal and monarchical maladies no longer run in our blood.

封建社会贫民是被禁止进入皇庄的。In feudal society, unorthodox theories were always ignored.

它可能是封建领主燕伯治所。It probably was the seat of a feudal lord, the Count of Yan.

'宅'。''邸为封建地主私人使用的邸宅土地。Manorial land retained for the private use of a feudal lord.

在封建等级底层的是农奴。At the bottom of the feudal scale were the villeins or serfs.

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战国秦汉时期是我国封建制度的奠基时期。Feudal economic structure formulated in Warring States period.

中国封建社会的官衙机构是一个非常庞杂的系统。The government office of feudal China is a very complex system.

但是如果少一些封建式的管理,该公司将更加繁荣。But the company would be better off with less feudal management.