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贾斯汀•奥德特肩很宽,穿一件蓝色印花连衣裙。Odette is strong shouldered and wears a blue print dress.

他的旅行奥黛特和两个获得相当不错。He's travelling Odette and the two are getting on quite well.

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每年在丘吉尔爵士生日之际,奥黛特女士都会送来一箱特酿年份香槟。Each year on his birthday, Odette would send him a case of vintage champagne.

1959年,欧德特.塔维和艾利.摩惹诺在西迪毕舍尔海滩的小屋前。Odette Tawil and Elie Moreno in front of the cabanas on Sidi Bishr beach, 1959.

妮娜准备在纽约林肯艺术中心公演的“天鹅湖”中一人分饰两角——白天鹅和黑天鹅。Nina is poised to step into the dual role of Odette and Odile in “Swan Lake” at New York's Lincoln Centre.

手镯和耳环的价钱很合算,钱花在范妮身上总比浪费在杰曼奥德特这类小婊子身上好些。Better to spend it on Fanny than waste it on little strumpets like Germaine and Odette. Yes, he told Tania so.

这部做作影片中的女吸血鬼奥德特由吉娜.戴维斯扮演,影片讲述了一对小报记者前往特兰斯瓦尼亚寻找弗兰肯斯坦时遇到的故事。Geena Davis plays the vampiress Odette in this campy movie about a pair of tabloid reporters who travel to Transylvania in search of Frankenstein.

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手镯和耳环的价钱很合算,钱花在范妮身上总比浪费在杰曼奥德特这类小婊子身上好些。The bracelet and the earrings, they were worth every son he spent. Better to spend it on Fanny than waste it on little strumpets like Germaine and Odette.

奥杰塔重返人间,他决定为奥杰塔在王宫举办一场盛大的舞会,并在舞会上宣布自己与奥杰塔的爱情。Odette returned to the world, and Field decided to hold a party for Odette and declared the love between them on the party. Obadiah eavesdropped their dialogue.

但是相较有好莱坞电影宣传推介、蓝色勋章彰显荣耀的奥德特。哈罗丝与维莱特。萨博,努尔完全被人们忽视了。But while Odette Hallowes and Violette Szabo have had Hollywood films made of their lives and blue plaques put up in their honour, Noor has been largely overlooked.