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不加思考的人生毫无价值。The unconsidered life is not worth living.

我们生活中最关键的行动,往往是欠考虑的。The most decisive actions of our life are more often than not unconsidered.

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没有任何改变,并未被考虑的是什麽巴勒斯坦人希望,需要和应该得到的。Nothing has changed, and unconsidered is what Palestinians want, need and deserve.

售票员的分析的头脑帮助她,以确保所有细节都几。The Conductor's analytical mind helps her to ensure that no detail goes unconsidered.

做好得到灵感的准备,做一些以前没有想到过的和极不传统的选择。Just be prepared to be inspired to make some previously unconsidered and definitely unconventional choices.

由于采用分段译码,路径度量值是一个有限值,因此不存在度量溢出的问题。Because adopting fragment decoding, the route metric is limited which make the metric overflow unconsidered.

梦里的一些物件和人物所隐射出来的是做梦人的心理,而做梦人自身所疏忽的细节则会在梦境中缺失。Objects and characters in the dreams are projections of the dreamers' minds, and may be lacking in unconsidered details.

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一见落后的景象就想拍照留念,无异在找人家的茬儿,如此欠考虑的行为,还是不做为妙。It's no difference between photographing under- developed scenes of a country and carping. It would be better not to do such an unconsidered doing.

上周同博尔顿的比赛说明了没有一支球队可以轻视对手并且踢得过于忽视对手或者漫不经心就像那场比赛一样。The Bolton game last weekend shows that no team can neglect the opposition and play in a rather nonchalant or unconsidered way as we did in that match.

表面上看,所有的愤怒都冲着莱曼,因为他以一种典型方式说了几句关于卡恩年轻女友的评论。On the face of it, all the anger directed at the Arsenal keeper was because, in typical fashion, he'd dropped an unconsidered remark about Kahn having a very young girlfriend.

世界各地的批评者最近开始对大规模乙醇生产造成的影响提出质疑,比如加剧人类食品或者动物饲料供应的紧张情况。But critics around the world have recently begun to question the unconsidered effects of large-scale ethanol production, such as increasing competition for human or animal food supplies.

当中包括过去所忽略证词,审查有关枪击的新资料,并相当严厉地指责威杰里勋爵领导的初次调查.It included many previously unconsidered witness statements, an assessment of fresh information about the shootings, and a damning indictment of the original inquiry headed by Lord Widgery.

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作为“传教者”珠联璧合的增补,设计团队需要一个脚结壮地带领完成具体项方针带领,条理化的思维赞助她确保任何细节都不会涌现误差。To complement the Evangelist, every design team needs a leader who directs the finishing touches on each project. The Conduct's analytical mind helps her to ensure that no detail goes unconsidered.

作为“布道者”珠联璧合的补充,设计团队需要一个脚踏实地指导完成具体项目的领导,条理化的思维帮助她确保任何细节都不会出现偏差。To complement the Evangelist, every design team needs a leader who directs the finishing touches on each project. The Conductor's analytical mind helps her to ensure that no detail goes unconsidered.