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曾经所向披靡的第三帝国。The ever-invincible Third Reich.

我还任命了鲍勃.赖克为劳工部长。I also named Bob Reich labor secretary.

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帝国的命运全在我一个人身上。The fate of the Reich depends only on me.

战后,雷克回到了萨尔斯堡。After the war, Reich returned to Salzburg.

这样狂放不羁的寻欢作乐让赫希三思。These pleasure-seeking bohemians gave Reich pause.

它是一本记载第三帝国衰亡的书。It is a book that records the fall of the Third Reich.

赖克列出的另一个因素是工会逐渐衰退。Another factor that Reich cites is the decline of labor unions.

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敌军正以压倒优势的兵力,从四面八方向帝国进逼。Enemy troops in overwhelming numbers were converging on the reich.

这张由阿道夫.瓦格纳于1944年创作的宣传画名为“第三帝国”。This painting from 1944 by Adolf Wegener is called The Third Reich.

我想你应该想说可以躲避的了高射炮火力吧,少尉?Surely you didn't think you could evade the Reich for long, Lieutenant?

里奇表示,至今为止,这块小指骨是唯一已知的杰尼索娃人化石。Reich says for now, this pinkie bone is the only known Denisovan fossil.

“帝国”师的装甲部队用猛烈的火力来阻止他们的进攻。Then the Das Reich panzers put down withering fire to halt their attack.

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帝国师在库尔斯克战役结束后的数月任继续使用者临时师徽。Das Reich" used the Kursk marking for many months after the summer campaign."

这次宣战扩大了帝国潜艇的狩猎场。This declaration would expand the hunting grounds for the Reich 's submarines.

它的任务是保护在帝国总理府的老希和他的官邸。Its job was to guard Hitler and his official residence in the Reich Chancellery.

要进一步丰富课程类型和教材内容,构建现代化的教学“立交桥”。Reich the types of curium and the content to set up a modern educational system.

两天后,她所有的财产都被以“德意志帝国的利益”的名义被收缴。Two days later, all her property was taken "for the benefit of the German Reich.

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“帝国”师在包围圈东部作为后卫部队留了下来。The Das Reich Division stayed as the rearguard on the eastern edge of the pocket.

“警卫旗队”师和“帝国”师的骨干老兵们必须从头教起。The cadre of Leibstandarte and Das Reich veterans had to begin almost from scratch.

这辆帝国师的虎式坦克在深黄色的底漆上涂有红综合橄榄绿色的条纹迷彩。This Tiger I of "Das Reich" is dark yellow with red brown and olive green mottling.