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酋长就是她的父亲。The sheikh was her father.

扎耶德清真寺夜晚。Sheikh Zayed Mosque at Night.

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孟加拉国总理哈西娜星期天会见了军方官员。Sheikh Hasina met Sunday with the military.

而这个头目正是哈立德·谢赫·穆罕默德。The official turned out to be Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

第一个趋势是由已故的谢赫穆斯塔法基地-扎尔卡。The first trend was led by the late Sheikh Mustafa Al-Zarqa.

酋长蹲在她们之间,皱着眉头不断插画。the sheikh squatted in their midst, frowning and interrupting.

文莱的苏丹和巴林的王子和科威特的酋长都会参加婚礼。The Sultan of Brunei will attend, along with the Sheikh of Kuwait.

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我还和酋长一起去打猎,很多雉鸟。And I also went pheasant hunting with the sheikh while I was there.

每个女孩在新婚之夜当然都会害怕了!"Of course every girl gets scared the first night," the sheikh said.

一位当地的酋长说,我们也不想打仗,但这由不得我们。"We don't want a war, " says a local sheikh. "But it seems inevitable.

格儿达维长也强调了对文艺和媒体反应的需求。Sheikh Qaradawi also underlined the need for artistic and media responses.

上天注定的规则被打破了,这位酋长说到,他对未来感到害怕。The God-given order was broken, the sheikh said, and he feared the future.

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哈马德酋长本身也有着超现实的对于泛阿拉伯地区民族主义的想法。Sheikh Hamad himself is said to have a romantic pan-Arab nationalist streak.

阿拉伯酋长在沙漠刻两英里“大”名,太空可见。Arab sheikh carves two-miles-long name in sand until it's visible from SPACE.

巴拉克长老的意思是要处决沙特国王阿卜杜拉赫·本·阿卜杜·阿齐兹吗?Does Sheikh Barrak mean that King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz should be executed?

这里也有美丽的清真寺,比如像梦幻般的谢克洛弗拉清真寺。There are also beautiful mosques here, like the dreamy Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque.

谢赫相信,有一天,这位年轻一代的领导人可能会脱颖而出。Sheikh Abdel Maged believes some day this younger generation may come to the fore.

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哈马德也被称为“彩虹酋长”,是阿布达比酋长国的王族成员。Hamad, also known as the "Rainbow Sheikh" is a member of the Abu Dhabi Ruling Family.

女人们往门口望去,发现酋长还在专注地讲电话。The women glanced toward the doorway, where the sheikh was absorbed in his phone call.

阿联酋外长谢赫-阿卜杜拉-本-扎耶德-阿勒-纳哈扬是在访问约旦河西岸期间说这番话的。Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed al-Nahayan made the comments during a visit to the West Bank.