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有没有什么药治鼻毛多的?What medicine to have to treat nose pilose?

榆社鹿茸已经有20多年的历史。Yushe Pilose already has more than 20 years of history.

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轴,苞,花梗和花萼具腺柔毛。Rachises , bracts, pedicels, and calyces glandular pilose.

目的探索鹿茸多肽治疗骨性关节炎有效作用机制。Objective To study effective function mechanism of Pilose antler peptide on OA.

目的研究鹿茸胶囊的调脂作用。Objective To investigate the decreasing blood lipids effect of pilose antler capsule.

本实验为特效生茸宝的生茸效果,提供了可靠的客观依据。The test provided a reliable basis for growing pilose effect of specific Shengronbao.

加入中药鹿茸生长素各组均有促进软骨细胞有丝分裂作用。The group after added in pilose antler growth factor can improve cellular karyokinesis.

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目的研究鹿茸生长素对关节软骨细胞增殖的影响。Objective To study the effect of Chinese traditional medicine pilose antler growth factor on cell proliferation.

本企业在此基础上,采取冻干新工艺开发出活性鹿茸粉系列保健品。Based on this, the corporation had developed "The activity pilose antler powder hygienic series-product" by the new freeze-dry techniques.

爸爸说不会的,只要你许个愿,还要乖乖地听爸妈的话。于是我在床上许了三次愿,希望得到一个黑色的绒毛小狗。Dad said it was not so, if you make a wish and listen to your parents. so i prayed for three time in the bed that i wanted a little pilose black dog.

天山马鹿鹿茸血内含丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸、各种免疫球蛋白和多种微量元素,还含有多糖、及各种酶类和维生素。Pilose antler blood of Tianshan wapiti contain abundant proteins, amino acids, immunoglobulin, trace element, polysaccharides, enzymes as well as vitamins.

按指数生长模型计算出生长速率常数和总发热量,进而求出最佳用药质量浓度。In the logarithmic phase of growth, according to an exponential law, the growth rate constant and heat output at different concentration of pilose autler had been calculated.

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鹿茸多肽可促进骨性关节炎软骨细胞增殖,并可抑制骨性关节炎软骨细胞中金属蛋白酶的过度表达,可能对治疗骨性关节炎有较好的作用。Pilose antler peptide can promote the proliferation of OA chondrocytes of rabbits , inhibit the overexpression of MMPs of OA chondrocytes. It can possibly play a effective role in the treatment of OA.