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把这事一气儿解决了吧,别零敲碎打了。Let's settle the matter at one stroke, not piecemeal.

“你不能做改革的零敲碎打的过程中,”他说。You can't do reform in a piecemeal process, " he said."

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分析赛莲的头骨,也发现了类似的演化拼盘。Analysis of Selam's skull hints at a similarly piecemeal metamorphosis.

零碎的各种项目穿越五个镇区,纽约市正在一点点被重新塑造。Piecemeal across the five boroughs, New York is gradually being remade.

这几天都没得闲,都是在忙一些零碎的事。In the past few days were not free, are busy in a number of things piecemeal.

这种零敲碎打的方法是人们用来教小孩、蛮类和低能的成年人的。One teaches little children and savages and backward adults in that piecemeal fashion.

前两局艾伦状态不佳,梁文博在零敲碎打中拿下前两局,取得一个完美开局。Allen first two poor, in a piecemeal Liang Wenbo in his first two, made a perfect start.

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这同其长久反对的零碎改革的区别还很不清楚。Quite how this differs from the piecemeal reform that the IASB has always opposed is unclear.

经济动力充足,令北京暂时可靠零星改革来走过场。The economy has sufficient momentum that Beijing can muddle through with piecemeal reforms for now.

批评者称,这种勉强且零零碎碎的购买方式,不但不能恢复市场信心反而使形势恶化.Critics say this reluctant, piecemeal approach is aggravating the situation rather than restoring confidence.

让日本韩国越南等国家感受直面能将他们碾成碎片的中国的恐惧。Korea, Vietnam, et. al. , feel the fear of being exposed to a China that could defeat each of them piecemeal.

这个国家曾蚕食鲸吞了大片别国土地…The country had seized vast territories of other countries by piecemeal encroachment or wholesale annexation.

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他平常零星的东西,我即使看也等于白看,没有看过去或是没有看懂。He usually and piecemeal of thing, I even see also be equal to white to see, see past or didn't see understand.

然后将将依手腕、脚踝、手肘、膝盖、肩部和臀部的顺序一步步卸下四肢。Then the limbs are cut off piecemeal at the wrists and the ankles, the elbows and knees, the shoulders and hips.

本文拟对梁启超浩繁著述中零散地表达出来的文化观念,进行初步整合性研究。This paper is a preliminary and piecemeal study of Liang Qichao's cultural views scattered in his copious works.

饲玲蝥械主机种要由喂料、搅拌、制粒、传动及光滑零碎等构成。Important from the host machine feed feed mixing granulating transmission and smooth and so constitute piecemeal.

而在此前,银行只是零碎地披露针对问题国家客户的放贷组合。Until now, banks have disclosed their portfolios of loans to customers in troubled countries on a piecemeal basis.

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旁中线剪开硬脊膜,显露椎管内肿瘤部分,分块切除。Spinal dural mater was cut open through para median line to expose the inside tumor and perform piecemeal resection.

目前,繙译行业正在从以大部头繙译为主转向以小件繙译居多,所以价格有所下降。But even here costs are coming down, as the translation industry is shifting from project-based to piecemeal working.

如果您有了一些测试,您或许能够进一步零零碎碎地采用更多其它的测试,但您为什么要这样做呢?If you have tests, perhaps you could adopt more of the other practices in a piecemeal fashion, but why would you want to?