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退磁曲线具有理想的方形度。The Demagnetization curve has a perfect squareness.

经常检查墙角的水平、高度、对角。Check frequently for course height, squareness and level.

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她的下颚紧得成了方形,她的眼睛变成翡翠的颜色。Her jaw line tightened to squareness and her eyes went emerald.

呈方形的房屋和它周围的环境比起来,显得十分醒目。The house stood out in its squareness without relation to its environment.

仔细修剪的山羊胡子也能给柔和的下巴增添正方形感。A carefully trimmed goatee can also infuse an element of squareness to a soft chin.

她的体态达到了孩童美的极致,丝毫没有儿童通常所有的那种胖乎乎,四方方的轮廓。Her form was the perfection of childish beauty, without its usual chubbiness and squareness of outline.

垂直度误差所引起的位置误差是机床空间位置误差的重要组成部分。The volumetric position errors caused by squareness errors among the three axes play an important role of the machine errors.

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影响双点压力机垂直度的因素有多种,其中曲柄运动的同步性是影响压力机精度的主要因素,也是较难解决的问题。There are many affecting factors about the squareness of two-point press, of which the synchronous movement of the cranks is the main one.

在生产方矩管以及其它闭口或开口型钢时,传统的成型法是先成圆后成方。For squareness pipe or other shape steel, the tradition forming technology is to be formed in round at first and then to be formed in squareness.

温度继续升高,晶粒长大,第二相粗化时,薄膜的矫顽力和矩形比都减小。As temperature was increased successively, the coercive force and squareness ratio of the film decreased because of grain growth and second phase coarsening.

封闭两端是可取的,因为它们允许更大程度的垂直和防止纠缠。Closed ends are preferable because they allow a greater degree of squareness and prevent tangling. Grinding the ends permits greater squareness control and inhibits buckling.

最值得称道的是,羊皮灯的正中央有一个圆形的图腾,与正方形的灯具造型相搭配,寓意“天圆地方”。The most praiseworthy point is that there is a round totem in the middle of parchment lamp, which matching with the square lamp implied "the celestial circle and the squareness of the earth".