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书从我的膝盖上滑落了。My book slid off my knee.

她溜出房间外。She slid out of the room.

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咱们顺著草坡滑下去。We slid down the grassy slope.

那个男孩顺着楼梯扶手滑了下来。The boy slid down the handrail.

跑垒者滑进二垒。The runner slid into second base.

由游击手为二垒策应。The runner slid into second base.

哧溜一声,他就滑下去了。He slid down with a sliding sound.

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他把玻璃杯滑到桌子那边。He slid his glass across the table.

他安全地滑进三垒。He slid safely into the third base.

贼人溜到了帘子后面。The thief slid behind the curtains.

他把门滑回墙内的位置上。He slid the door back into the wall.

她被他一推滑倒,跌到了楼下。She was slid downstairs by his push.

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那块薄饼很轻易地从锅里滑落出来。The cake easily slid out of the pan.

他仔细地将箱盖挪开。He carefully slid the top off the box.

门几乎无声无息的滑开。The door slid open almost noiselessly.

他倒满一杯推给她。He filled a cup and slid it toward her.

麋鹿站起来的时候,防水布从它身上滑落。When the elk got up, the tarp slid off.

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路上他开车滑下了I-94号公路。He literally slid all the way down I-94.

他又滑下来恢复到原来的姿势。He slid back into his previous position.

六只湿滑的蜗牛慢慢地滑向海边。Six slippery snails, slid slowly seaward.